Whats everybody think about their structural rated fire fighting helmets.  We use Cairns 1010's and I personally don't know what to think.  They look nice, the traditional look, but at the same time the eagle that holds the leather shield is a snag point.  And they seem awfully heavy.  I like them but would like to know what everyone else thinks between the "traditional" or the "modern" helmets.  Thanks everyone.

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Sorry been away for a few days. As far as us and our fire knight helmets. We still don the face mask the same. We did not elect to go with the clip on. We were concerned about meeting the fit test requirements. Yes we may be progressive but we weren't ready to jump in both feet. lol

My personal feeling is I will never go back to a tradition style helmet. I love the feel of this helmet, its way more comfortable, its awesome crawling into cars on accidents, doesn't seem to get hung up. Also the built in safety glasses are great. more protection then just lowering a visor that depending on helmet may not even protect your eyes. I'm sorry but my vision is way more important to me then looking cool on a accident scene.
three words - "Cairns New Yorker"
Whats everybody think about their structural rated fire fighting helmets.
Mine was issued to me, it's department property, it's black, leather and looks like a fireman's helmet. Beyond that, I don't know or really care. I wears it, I cleans it and I puts it on the rack with the rest of my gear (which I'm also not sure who makes it; it's also issued, department property, they start out new, get broken in, wear out and lo and behold, I gets a new set when I needs it. I don't have a clue who makes my gloves or boots. We do use Scott SCBA.)

I do know who makes our apparati but (no surprise) don't really care. They have committees to spec out new apparatus based on need and cost. They seem to work, ride pretty nice, pump water and raise the ladder nicely. Heat and A/C works, compartments are water tight and I have everything I need on my engine. Who could ask for more? Well, cup holders would be nice.
Nice stereo would be cool too. And a recliner for the engineer. I know I get tired of just standing there watching everyone work. (hint of sarcasm there)
Andy, do you have an annual mask fit test? If so, does the fit test take place with the mask clipped to the helmet?
If you find your eagle to be a snagging problem, check out this website.



We use Cairns as well. We have both 880's and 1010's. I like them both alot. I have heard they are a bit heavier but the weight is balanced well. We have the standard 4" visor which I like because you can use it while still wearing your mask so it gets dirty and the mask stays cleaner. I have noticed that the visor can snag on the eagle occasionally but I think it might be more of the type/size of eagle that is on the helmet. The only other thing I have noticed is when your on all fours the back brim hits our bottle but that may be more of the type of cylynder we use.

We used to have the Cairns modern 911 helmet which are good helmets but the department switched just before I joined. We still use them for probationary ff's to distinguish them on the fireground. We then issue one of the traditional helmets once they complete probation. (Sort of a graduation gift/recognition/achievement thing)

On the subject of the Euro style helmets, I think they wild looking (But so is alot of stuff from there compared to the USA) but pretty cool and interesting. They kind of look like a modified motorcycle helmet. I haven't had the chance to see them other than online or in a magazine but I would be interested in seeing how they worked.

The best bet is to be involved in the decision making process if you can.  Ask to be on the committee, ask to be a test subject if they get gear to try out, be informed on the standards and the materials and style of what you are looking for.  Make an informed decision based on facts, not emotion.


Frankly, I am at a loss when people have no knowledge of anything they use, whether it is gear, equipment, hose, nozzles, extrication equipment, or even apparatus.  Ask a mechanic, a true mechanic not a wrench turner parts replacer, about his tools and he can tell you about everything, who made it, what it is for, and why they chose that particular tool.

My department issues the 660, but there have been alot of us that have bought our own traditionals.  When I bought my 1010 afew years ago I was curious about the weight difference so the salesman at the store I bought my helmet at put both the 660 and the 1010 on a scale.  The 660 weighed in at 3.15 pounds, and the 1010 was 3.20 pounds.  I don't care who you are, that is not a noticable difference.  I love my helmet and I wouldn't go back.

You've missed the most important things...What color is your engine and what color is your helmet and what does it mean?



Michael A... I find it offensive for you to use the term recliner. We are all professional here on the FFN. We don't use "Recliners" in the fire house. We only use things that make us 100% efficient at all times, and this includes Luge Training. Please make note that the correct terminology would be "Luge Trainers". Thank you for your consideration in this matter.





the problem is which color to use if we don't stick with the traditional black, yellow, or red helmets... too many decisions sometimes...


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