Its been along time since I masked up. I keep seeing comments about yard breathing. I remember turning on the bottles in the engine, grabbing a line and going in. (yes we did check doors and windows and signs for backdrafts)


Is the new school to turn on the air at the door? And if you have a 30 min bottle, how long to you plan on being inside?

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Whether something bad has ever happened to you due to how you mask up has zero correlation about predictibility that it may happen at some time in the future.

Ditto for your personal comfort zone. Regardless of how comfortable you are in the mask without being on air, you are degrading your performance and causing your body unnecessary stress compared to what would occcur on air.

You are also focusing 100% on acute events and ignoring the potential for chronic problems from intentionally rebreathing your own exhalations.

"There is more than one road to get to Baltimore, but if you wanna sit in traffic on 95 at the mixing bowl every trip be my guest, I will hope off on 301."

"...hope off..."? Freudian slip?
What capcityff21 said, squared.
...and it was masterfully sarcastic. Been around a firehouse kitchen table a time or two...this week?
Yeah, something like that;>
Actually, just a lowly vollie\paid-on-call\whatever-you-want-to-call-it that does my best to "get" it. There's many a time that I wish I had gone career, as I really love the job, but I didn't.

My wife says I have the curse of sarcasm, I tend to think of it as a gift. lol

As an aside, I'm wondering if we're going to hear from any of the, uhh, truck breathers again. (Can't call them yard breathers anymore since they seem to be on air as they get out of the trucks now.) I in all sincerity would like to hear some of the reasoning behind these practices.
Just had a thought cross my mind.

This could be a great way to help everyone wear seatbelts also.

Mount the airpacks next to our gear lockers right in the station. We could don the packs right after getting geared up, masks and everything. Just not start breathing until we pull on scene and jump out.

What does everyone else think?
Interesting thought, however I'm not to keen on it. For a very quick response down the road a mile or so..I could see this. I think maybe too many 'cons' on this one. It's hard enough with evryone getting geared up, to then climb on the truck..already packed up. I think I see injuries and damaged equipment in the future. I will say least we are tossing around ideas, that's how things get better. Keep up the 'thinking process'. Be safe!!
Mark, Strange that you would say that. When I was hired we used to (1975) have an SCBA mounted on the wall of the station right by the back of the engine. The nozzleman would put it on before we left (not the facepiece), coat, day boots and SCBA. We rode the tailboard then and it worked out great. But now it is 2011 and you must have a seatbelt on (a good thing).
I might add that my department took the SCBA's out of the seats and put them back in the side compartment because guys were not wearing their seatbelts and were dressing enroute. We wanted them to stop that so we took the SCBA's out. The decision was made after much testing and we found there was anly a 10 second difference between having the SCBA in the seat or in the side compartment.
We pack up in the rig, grab the line, make our way to the door (or where ever else we are making entry), mask up and tell the operator we are ready for water. The timing works and if we come across a surprise and take in a mouthful. I would hate to walk into a booby trap and end up falling through the floor into a basement fire with no mask. We've come across these in the past. Grow ops fast building fires can cause holes in the floor in minutes. It's not a risk we are willing to take. There's nothing cool about a preventable death.
You make a good point. Tail board riding..I agree with you. You hit it on the head about seatbelts. Most of the veterans understand the need for this safety feature. It's those 'probees' and 'young guns' that we have the most trouble with. I welcome your thoughts on this talk...10 second plus or minus is not that major. We do have some SCBA's in side compartments also. Thank you so much for your thoughts and insight..and I realy mean that!!
I agree with that 'preventable death' concept. I think we can agree that it's a personal approach to this. Of course unless the department has standing sop's or other directives. Thank you for your thougths. Be safe.

One of the places I volunteered back in the day did the same thing with wall-mounted SCBA, tailboards, and day boots.

We still have seat-mounted SCBAs, but the primary reason we kept them there was to use the compartment space for more tools.

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