Just an update, that we've switched the 'social/professional' network web site address to 'my.firefighternation.com' so you may have to login to set your cookie. Stay tuned for the new first phases of the expanded areas of FFN launching soon!
Dear Firefighter Nation Members,

Later this month, we'll be launching a vastly
expanded FirefighterNation.com, adding more significant areas for news, training, multimedia, events, products, integration with our FireEMSBlogs.com partners, social connecting and a whole lot more!
ensure we don't LOSE all of the features you love on the social & professional network as it stands today, we're keeping absolutely ALL of what you see today, with the only difference being the new URL for that part of the site will be "
my.firefighternation.com" starting later this month.
home page will change a bit as part of our new system that will power all of the new features, with integration of all of the current ones throughout the new site. And all of social features will always just be a click away via that integration as well as prominent navigation items.

hope you'll enjoy a vastly superior content experience starting later this month -- all adding to everything that's made FirefighterNation.com great since we launched in 2007 including forums, profiles, member blogs, user-posted videos and photos and much more.
Stay tuned to the site as we give you a preview soon of what's to come ... and thanks for being part of FirefighterNation.com
The FirefighterNation.com & FireRescue Magazine Team
Grow Your Network: Invite Your Firefighting Friends to Join Firefighter Nationhttp://www.firefighternation.com/inviteLike Us on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/firefighternationFollow Us on Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/firenation