Are EMTs certified to teach and certify citizens by American Red Cross standards?

Say a citizen wants to be certified in CPR-could they just come to the station or do they have to go to a red cross facility?

Are EMTs certified by the American Red Cross?

 If you are an EMT do you have to get certified as an American Red Cross Instructor before you can certify citizens?

Are EMTs certified with the American Red Cross-CPR, first aid,etc..?





By the way, the reason I am asking these questions is for my research report on Clara Barton and the establishment of the American EMS System.



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I am a Red Cross Emergency Responder (not an EMT) and a Certified Red Cross Instructor. I can teach a community member lay person CPR such as workplace CPR, or CPR for the Professional Rescuer, both of which are Red Cross courses. The EMT's in my department are not certified instructors and cannot teach CPR and give a certification/card to a person through the Red Cross without first being a certified instructor. In other words, they are seperate things. In New York EMTs are certified through the New York State Department of Health, it is a State course, EMT is NOT a Red Cross course.
Rachel, in order of questions:

1) EMTs are only certified to teach and certify if they are Certified American Red Cross CPR Instructors.

2) If a citizen wants to be certified; they must take the class from the American Red Cross (who does take classes out to the public; not just at their facilities).

3) EMTs are certified by the American Red Cross as well as by the American Heart Association. It depends on who teaches the class.

4) Yes, you must be certified as a Red Cross Instructor before you can teach, much less certify, people.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need further information!!
In order to teach CPR one must go through a Train the Trainer course first and like CPR, you have to renew every couple years.

So no, just because you are an EMT, you can not teach and certify others in CPR just because you are an EMT.
In Indiana you have to become an instructor to be able to certify anyone in cpr.
Oregon EMT's are CPR/AED certified to the American Heart Assn. health care provider level. Not all are instructors. There is a different course for this. Most fire departments have instructors that can teach American Heart or Red Cross. Both are fine. You can call the local fire department and they can tell you if they can give you the course or who can provide it to you.
In Vermont - and most other States that I know of:

EMTs are certified to do patient care only

EMT Instructors are an additional certification process.

So NO, EMTs typically are not also instructors; unless they take the additional training and certfication to become a teacher.

American Red Cross Instructors have take special classes and get a special license to teach CPR or any medical classes.


To answer your questions....

Are EMTs certified to teach and certify citizens by American Red Cross standards? NO

Say a citizen wants to be certified in CPR-could they just come to the station NO or do they have to go to a red cross facility? YES

Are EMTs certified by the American Red Cross? Maybe in some areas for CPR

If you are an EMT do you have to get certified as an American Red Cross Instructor before you can certify citizens? YES
I will answer your questions in the order you posted:

Are EMTs certified to teach and certify citizens by American Red Cross standards? Yes, In California an EMT can be certified by the American Red Cross to teach classes to the public. This certification is not an "automatic" certifcation but must be sought after by the EMT, if so desired.

Say a citizen wants to be certified in CPR-could they just come to the station or do they have to go to a red cross facility? No, In California the public must go to an American Red Cross facility and aign up for a class. The public is always welcome to come by a fire station and inquire about the classes available and in most cases we will have the appropriate literature or contact numbers to give them for further assistance. The Red Cross will assign any certified instructors (which can be an EMT) to teach the class at a designated facility, which very well may be a fire station in their community.

Are EMTs certified by the American Red Cross? Yes, In California an EMT may be certified by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. It is not an "automatic" certification through either of these agencies but if so desired must be sought after by the EMT.

If you are an EMT do you have to get certified as an American Red Cross Instructor before you can certify citizens? Yes, In California any EMT desiring to be certified at the instructor level must attain such a certification through the agency of choice before being allowed to teach the criteria to the public.

I hope this information is of some value to you and your research work. I can only speak for the process in California and this may or may not be applicable in your particular area.
Were I am, you need to take the instructors course to have an instructors permit to teach and certify. I have assisted on many occasions including at the station and at the tech college in many levels. However, I am not permitted to sign off, only assist. Currently I hold my NRP and state paramedic license here in Wisconsin, I can assist at any level up to and including Paramedic training as a T.A. which I do. However, you must hold Instructor credentials to sign off on any certs. I can only assist not sign off.
Palm Beach County used to have it in the stations, however now they are certified through the American Heart Association. Go through them.
BLS Instructor Course will certify to teach. In Florida.
I think you have to be cerified to teach it, but not for sure.
As an EMS instructor, you must be certified and qualified to teach either American Red Cross or American Heart Association. There is a provision for by stander assistance.
Sorry I don't know but just didn't want to ignore you :)

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