Just curious to know how the different agencies from around the world are despatched.


For us, we have alphanumeric pagers-




With these pagers, we have 3 different codecs installed:

1)      Emergency

2)      Non Emergency

3)      Admin


The emergency codec is for all rescue calls, etc (life threatening issue), the non emergency codec is for non life threatening calls such as floods, storms, etc and the admin is just that- general messages about meetings, training, etc.



An emergency call will come with this type of meesage:



The first part (ALERT F110306969) is the event number from the despatch system. 

The next part (KYNE1 RESCC1 * CAR ACCIDENT – POSS PERSEON TRAPPED/FIRE) tells us it’s a car fire, possible persons trapped.  

The next part (13 BODKIN ST KYNETON/MOLLISON ST//NEW ST) is the primary address and cross referenced streets.

And then the map references (SVC 8164 F9 (742742)) and finally which fire brigade (CKYNE) and Rescue Unit (WEND1) has been activated.




A non emergency call will come in with this type of message:



The first part (S110435656) is the event number from the despatch system. 

The next part (SES WOODEND TREE DOWN / TRF HAZARD) tells us it’s a tree down and traffic hazard.  

The next part (JOE CITIZEN 0055 696969 ) is the callers name and phone number.

The next part (/ 74 PIPER ST KYNETON / POWLETT ST // WEDGE ST) is the primary address and cross referenced streets.

And then the map references (SVVB c 8164 E7)) and finally any further details about the call (TREE ON ROAD AND CAR).


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we carry motarola pagers and vertex standard radios when someone calls 911 they drop our tones and well heres a example (Bush Fire Call ~~TONE~~~~~TONE~~ attention all bush firefighters there is a report of a structure fire at so and so street time out w.e time it is and wiliiamson county so clear.
We have Instant-Link GSL28A Flex Pagers.
Our pagers are on frequency 157.950 and operated by the mobile network Telecom.

Different to yours Lutan, we have Rescue, Veg (Vegetation), Ambulance-Med and Fire

The way the pager differs is from the in-pager text e.g. 111-Veg or 111-Rescue

An example of a Rescue call looks like this:

(HELE897, KAUK7871, HELE891) 111-RESC 1674 SH 16 KAUKAPAKAPA (Xstr Quail Rd/Jordan Rd). MOTORBIKE UNDER TRUCK. #F0943957

(HELE897, KAUK7871, HELE891) = Appliances that are being turned out to the call, abbreviations for the town name, KAUK = Kaukapakapa, HELE = Helensville.

111-RESC = Has been reported using the 111 network and categorised as Rescue

1674 SH 16 KAUKAPAKAPA = Address of incident

(Xstr Quail Rd/Jordan Rd) = Fire communication give us the street either side of the incident, so therefore from this information we can tell that the incident is between Quail Rd and Jordan Rd. Comes in handy if the address isn't accurate (Unfortunately, it happens).

MOTORBIKE UNDER TRUCK = Gives us a brief statement of what we are rocking up too

#F0943957 = Is the incident number from the fire communication dispatch centre

- Ben 'Snapper' Auger
- Kaukapakapa Fire Force, New Zealand
We have our cell phones. Dispatch sends us text messages says wat it is wat units r needed wear it is ect. They type everything that they say except they txt the call number.
911 call goes to the Sherrif's Dept, they send out the tones to proper agency, and say what they have..EX: Tones, B Fire Dept, we have a report of a structure fire at so and so, please acknowledge page. The county all use motorola pagers, or motorola , kenwood radios.
I'm intrigued by the use of mobile phones and text messages- in major disasters, one of the first lifelines to go down is often the mobile phone system.

Ever had problems with yours?
we have minitor five pagers from motorola and text paging as well and just like travis our pager is set off by our station tones and then county dispatch tells us who what where and when now i have side question do any of you's have a second dispatch if a apparatus doesn't get on the road with in a certain amount of time ours is five minutes from when the call taker takes the call that include giving it to the dispatcher and all the tones for the companies that are on the assignment and along with station tones some companies also have house siren tones on all dispatches
can you say subduction zone? can you say earthquake? your only hope is a landline with an out of state number planned ahead of time to enable communications, that or twitter if you have computer access via satellite link.
We use Motorola pagers. Our Comm Center recieves the info and then dispatches it. We also recieve text messages from the county. Any portable radios that are used are Motorola also.
thats pretty cool i wish my dispatch center would do that for us
if we dont say tone recieved and are not enroute with in 5-7 minutes they tone out again.
We still have verbal/speaker dispatch in the station and over the radio out of the station. Pretty simple. It showes up on the rig MDC but voice/radio first.
We just have tones go off in the fire house. We are all career so there are no pages. If they do call us in off duty because of an incident we will most likely already be heading in because it's something big. They will put it on the news that all off duty firemen are to report to their fire houses. Last time that they did that here was on 9/11 since we had most of the city at The Pentagon. I know PG County just did it a couple months ago when there were 15 fires(several multiple alarmers) going on at one time.

In the fire house our dispatch system plays one beep for a medical local or a less important local alarm like a fire alarm. For a box alarm its two longer beeps.

While in the house we have house tones if the run is for us. The ambulance has a series of slow beeps. The engine, truck and rescue have a quick siren and then the alarm bells go off. If its for the ambulance AND a fire piece they play the ambulance tones and then the long bell at the end.

We also have a reader board that shows the incident and units going in the bay. Here's videos of them when nothing is going on. When a run comes in it will pop up on the reader board with the address and other information,
They are really nice because you don't have to worry about missing the address from the dispatcher.

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