Our Fire District got into the ambulance service about a year ago to serve a local race track. Our community wants us to provide ambulance service for our district, we are not sure that we want a full ASA ambulance service area. We are thinking of a automatic aid agrement with the county ambulance. There are times that both of our ambulances will be working at the race track and are unable to answer local calls. Whe we have a crew we can arrive 15 minutes or longer before the county ambulance. Does anyone have thought on ambulance automatic aid agrements or have one we can look at. please send it to gfluhr@southshermanfire.com


thanks, Glenn

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What kind of racetrack is it?
Are there races every day?
Is the racetrack paying for the ambulances to do a standby?
How much revenue does the ambulance at the track generate vs. the potential of revenue serving the community?
Would you rather wait 20 minutes for a ambulance for your family, or 5 minutes I think would be the question, thus this is the question that your community is raising also if they want a service in your area. An ambulance can generate good revenue for your district if directed in that fashion. I know around here many departments got rid of thier ambulance services only to bring them back into thier departments soon after.

the racetrack has just about everything, you can look them up on-line @ oregonracewaypark.com Yes the racetrack does pay for stnadby and the medical staff during racing venues. For the 2011 booked races we are looking at doubling our budget for the year. Transports in the community is only about thirty transports a year.
Capt. Frazer,

being in a rural area transport time to the hospital can be an hour or longer, the revenue off of the transports is about $16,000 per year, the standby at the racetrack brings in $40,000 a year. What we are looking at is being able to answer the ambulance calls in our district when we are not working the track, most of our ambulance calls are mva's during the winter season when the track is not operating.
good revenue as along as the law permits i know here in ny Fire districts cannot charge for the ambulance service.
Our community members come first, the county ambulance has the current ASA Ambulance Service Area. As a Fire District we would like to answer calls within our district when we have a crew. If we do not have a crew it will fall back onto the county ambulance. Because we dont have a crew all of the time we are not seeking a full time ASA. We are just looking at answering the ambulance calls we can staff. So we are looking at an automatic aid with the county ambulance and wanted to see if anyone had one that we could look at. The racetrack is a good thing but it is not the #1 thing. The county ambulance wants nothing to do with the racetrack. There will always be ambulance service in our district regardless what color the ambulance is.
Here is another template seeking legal best wishes is a must no matter what is drawn up, and include the legal guidelines also pertaining to payments, or any monetary issues. for the record, these are all public documents

Thnak you this will help us out, I will keep you posted

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