Here's your opportunity to put up a pic of your leather lid!

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That is my lid before and this is my lid after....


Lol...very true but I'll take what I can get. Nice lid btw...nice and toasted lol
This is my Paul Conway.Low profile,but heavy
Phenix TL2, Brand Spanking new. My present to myself for 32 years in the biz...
Here's mine the day I put it into service
This one is my 2nd "approved" Cairns N5a, I actually own/have worn 2 Cairns 5a's and 2 N5a's and my
"issued" N5a that was in my locker for 7 or 8 years when I decided I should break it in before I retire,... my "truck helmets" one 5a and one n5a Are pretty close to interchangeable both have seen plenty of work, each has burned off at least one Frontpiece each and in fact I began making my own leather frontpieces and inserts in 05/06...

this one's a back up now
Thats awesome bro...that thing has seen better days and its still kickin!
Here mine, L.A. County Fire let us buy and wear them after 9-11
ok congradulate me, I bought my first digi cam yesterday, got home and figured id mentioned taking pics here of my other helmets i took one pic of my dawg so bear with me here I did post my dog,lol but I'll leave her up, she was rescued from the firehouse, and eventually I'll figure out how to downsize these... the 1st and 2nd helmets are my ( non approved) 5a's both saw lots of time on my melon back in the day...
and these are my approved or n5 a's excluding the issued one as seen in the previous shot on my head..
asyoucan see, I've always been serious about my leathers... almost anal, i suppose :)
This will be a before and after set. Here's the before:


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