Here's your opportunity to put up a pic of your leather lid!

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Hmmm who kicked the hawaiian in the junk? Hawaiian Acres.... sorry that was the 1st thing that came to mind

so where is After? bro? lol
Brand new helmet, "after" will follow after a few good calls, and yes things do burn here!
Just out of curiosity, who do you pipe for? My dad was with a band in New Mexico for several years serving as pipe sergeant. I was sort of the roadie for the band when they went to Estes Park games to compete at grade IV.
Ahhhh an extended "after" Ic., anyway , I was a founding member and Pipe sergeant of the Connecticut Firefighters P&D which we "built way back in 1991, . I also played in a civilain band started playing in 1990. for me, competition wasn't "as" important as playing the fire service jobs, Being one of the Most identifiable fire pipers between Boston and Ny at the time, I found myself playing to promote, the band, even before we had a "band" playing funerals awards ceri\emonies, Police functions, Emerald society fund raisers, company banquets, musters , Masses, weddings etc.... I have to say, though, I did have the chance to stand in the competition circle a couple times with the other band, it was ok, but i haveto admit not as much overall fun as the other stuff...

I suppose in that way I was lucky, In those early years we'd begun the 1st service band in the state, So thge focus or lymelight was on US... :) today we have 3 fire bands and a police and fire band along with two other Police the state, so the novelty isnt what it once was. Back then there were only 12 or 15 total bands that identified as Fire bands today its well over 100 nationally check out SMOKEnPipes @
So Jim, this may be a bit ingnorant, but what's the rope loop all about? A truckie thing? This is a bit of history I am interested in undestanding.
Sorry Imust have missed this before Joel, To answer your question about the rope..Its a standard backsplice loop, serves nopurposeother then astetic, In a sense, yeah a truckie thing, except it, as you can see, has been on all my helmets... when I was a vollie Lieutenant thirty years ago I was totally into "bail out" safety techniques and had even made a few conections with the senior officers ofa few of the rescue companies in FDNY... Back in those days rapelling and rope work was pretty infantile in developement using Ladder Belts andless then well tested Rope,that we have today,.. In those days the "rescue knot" (Bowline on a bite) was the technology anyway, I was a firm believer In teaching Knots and ropes, and even after I got hired years later while doing my rookie rotations had to deal with a certain Captain who was known for beating up rookies over they're (lack of) knowledge of Ropes and knots. when asked to tie a Bowline, I asked him ifhe wanted a left or right handed one , and he accused me of being a show off that therewas no such thing, so I had to prove him wrong taking both ends of a shot of rope in each hand and tieingabowline one handed behind my back at the same My thinking, that if One had to tie a rescue knot , On could be injured and only have one hand to do it with, much lessMoreoften then not Your working at night , in the dark and in smoky conditions and in those conditions the old rabbit is going to suffocate in its hole and nevercome out.....

I further explained That If I was trying to show off I would Do "This" andholding a biteat arms length flipped the running end around the bite and drop the bite through theloop just so and it forms a Bowline , but Backwards so, the LOOP slips down and locks rather then keep an open loop, The tugboat Bowline is a true Bow line and was used whenever Deck hands Needed to cinch a line to a cleat or barge,and have it slip down onto the cleat to prevent slipping off.... Being raised In a Historically Marine/Shipbuilding area we need to Know our knots..:) Far as the helmet goes Its a "badge" as is the skeleton key...which is another entire

oh here's my current n5a obviously Not as abused as my others But we are working on it...
I can relate. The first Academy I went through in Denver area was pretty hardcore on ropes and knots, and being fresh from a ski patrol job in new mexico, I led the class on ropes and knots, wound up teaching some of my fellow cadets how to tie off some of the more improtant knots quickly and easily. I had a five second bowline, and a 15 second figure eight follow through behind my back.

I think it is one of the more important things we teach, not only because of the need to hoist equipment safely, but because the knots we tie may be to save our own asses one day! I am currently going thru FF1 yet again in Hawaii, and am looking forward to helping my comrades get great knots!

The backsplice loop is a great story! Thanks for sharing, it is always nice to know how folks show their history and their pride in the job!
Well after 25 years I finally got my Leather ! I'll get to start breaking it in after Christmas. Ya'll have a "MERRY CHRISTMAS " , Letherheads !
since you waited 25 years rik, why get it dirty now? lol
Pretty lid dude! Good luck on breaking it in!
Jim it's funny you say that cause I've been telling my crew I ant gona get it messed up , I'm gona keep her perttie ! cause one day I'll want to give it to gran young'uns an I've already got a nice war helmet ! I don't know, guess I'll just have to see what happens. I figure its the last lid I'll have. Be Safe Pardner!
Here is my helmet. It's a lil' bit more smoked now. I did the shield. Also here are some others I did for the other guys. I'll put the rest of my pictures up on my page if ya wanna see em. If you are interested in having one made drop me line.
Beaser are You the dude that sells fronts on ebay? I began making fronts a couple years ago, myself, not as personalized as yours... ( If I had Talent I would do Gold leaf fronts for the Most of mine are typical FDNY style fronts and inserts I decided it was another thing I wanted to do, I also do some other leather well... anyway Just curious, Lots of good stuff...



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