As predicted, a radioactive plume has travelled across the pacific, over the Aleutian Islands and down to into the Western United States. No specific information in regard to radiation levels, and type(s) have been released to the public as of this post submission, 03-18-2011.
The worst case scenario for the nuclear reactors in Japan is for them to go critical. Do you understand the potential for this?

Unanswered question... If a nuclear reactor goes critical, does this change the outcome and potential impact on the rest of the world?
What's your take on this?
Are you purchasing iodine (potassium iodate) to be prepared in the event that iodine-131 is released from the reactors because of an escalating problem?
While we are not being given much information through the media, you may be able to make some determinations based on how and where they are monitoring people.
Key Point: Alpha, Beta and Gamma monitoring require different monitoring heads & techniques. If you are aware of these operational procedures, then you have a better chance of understanding what the hazards are.
Example: Where are these individuals being monitored and how close are the monitors being held to the surface of the skin?

Anyone want to make some comments on what you see in the above three photographs taken this week in Japan?
1. What are they monitoring for? (specifics e.g. alpha, beta, gamma radiation...)
2. What are the primary monitoring points that you should do on a person?
3. What is not being provided for these patient/victim(s)?
Not wanting to make this post into a training discussion on how to use radiological instrumentation, it seems appropriate to first ask some questions to see if there is an interest level in this topic before spending time posting something that will be ignored...
Additional Reading: