Do any of you have a formal written policy regarding the use of cell phones, texting, etc. while driving fire apparatus?  I know that in some jurisdictions there are laws which prohibit the use of cell phones, etc., but in the absence of laws,
do you prohibit the use and how?

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Here in New Brunswick Ca. They may pass a law that prohibits users from driving and using there phone with their hands. ( Will need Bluetooth headset soon!) There will be an exception made for Emergency Services. We will be allocated to use the phone while in emergency mode only. As a member of the fire service, I rather have the officer in the officer seat in the engine operate the radio, phone and siren. Let the driver do the most important job. To Drive us safely to the scene. We do not have a written policie on this issue YET!
Hi, in Queensland (Australia) to my knowledge,my OIC can use the mobile phone. The driver of the appliance cant use the mobile phone while driving. We dont use bluetooth. This is a traffic offense and driver can be either booked or action could be taken against him or OIC.
The driver is forbidden to drive while using a cellphone, with or without hands-free device. This includes texting, viewing or even having the cellphone in a position that the driver would be tempted.

The only time a driver is permitted to use a cellphone while behind the steering wheel is when the apparatus is stopped, transmission disengaged and parking brake applied. If possible, this should be done in a driveway or off a main street.

If the emergency lights are on for any reason, no one in the apparatus should operate a cellphone. This is more of a recommendation, than a procedure.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. I hope to have a policy that prohibits drivers from doing ANYTHING other than driving, that includes playing with the lights, sirens, air horns, and any form of hand-held electronic device.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. I hope to have a policy that prohibits drivers from doing ANYTHING other than driving, that includes playing with the lights, sirens, air horns, and any form of hand-held electronic device.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. I hope to have a policy that prohibits drivers from doing ANYTHING other than driving, that includes playing with the lights, sirens, air horns, and any form of hand-held electronic device.

yes, we do have a SOG in place regarding cellphone use in the dept. apparatus. We are not allowed to use cell phones enroute to or from calls, etc. If a call must be made, it is up to the company officer on the apparatus to make the decision if that call will be made and he/she will take full responsiblity for all actions. Pretty much common sense, call when you get back to the house or wait til you have an opportunity if needed.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. I hope to have a policy that prohibits drivers from doing ANYTHING other than driving, that includes playing with the lights, sirens, air horns, and any form of hand-held electronic device. Would it be possible for you to e-mail me a copy of your SOG?



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