Most states require that in order to become a certified EMT, you must be 18. In some states, such as New Jersey, allow 16 year olds to become certified EMTs. And no, according to NJ's state laws, a 16 year old EMT is just as qualified to provide the same level of care as an adult. I am 16 and am a member of an EMS organization that is responsible for EMS coverage for a large area, and there is NO Junior/Explorer program, meaning I am entitled to do everything an adult EMT can do medically.

My question is, how do you feel about this system? I want your honest opinion, and will not get offended as long as it is your opinion and you aren't personally attacking/insulting people.

(Example: "I dont like young emts" or "I think its stupid for a minor to be an emt" would be opinions,

whereas "You are an idiot" or "I dont like you" arent really opinions but are rather offensive."

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I started young in this field but let experinced folks teach you just because your done with class you will never stop learning. When you are willing to learn you can have a great and safe career. Always remember you are being told thing for your own good and the well being of your patients.
Well said !!!!
Most all of the responses have addressed the legality and I am mixed on that. Age does NOT denote maturity to do the job. I know some over 30 year olds that should not be doing the job! Since each state is responsible for
issuing their own certification or license it is up to their AG to decide.
If you have passed the same skills tests, done the hospital and ride time I would welcome you on the truck.
Like anyone else you will be on probation for a period of time and have to work with a mentor/crew that has done
the job for a while. Once your supervisor is happy with your performance then you should be able to function on your own.
Don't get cocky and keep learning! Good luck!
Honestly, I commend you for getting your EMT but believe you are too young to do the job. You really should be having fun right now and enjoying your youth. Volunteer at Sports events or Music Concerts to keep up your state requirements. But wait until your 18, then you can give it your all.............
People just think the ones that are 16 are learning and one day when you call for help are you really goin to be like "your 16 you dont know anything.....ect" or are you goin to be like most of everyone and let us help you and save your life . The yong ones are the people if tomarrow and if we start now we will learn and have more experience.
Like everything. Every state, county and dept has different rules about training and riding in their areas. I have not seen a rush in my state to stop 16 to 18 year olds to not train or not ride units. Only thing is that they can not be in command of a unit or a incident.
I started in the 70s as a probationer 18 year old and my brother was 16 years old. I seen more 16 to 18 volunteers training and riding on calls back then. There were senior members same age or older who told us what to do and we followed.
Now today we don't have the same numbers of members or ages 16 to 18 walking in the door and then you have a different chief who says my way or the highway so it takes longer to get from 16 to riding on calls.
By the time most meet the training required they are 18 and can ride but will be a long time to ride a officer's seat.
Okay, so in response to many of your replies, if i am 16, and someone else is 35, for example and we both complete EMT school at the same time, we would both have the same experience. But now, you find out that i did it to help people and the other guy wanted the cert so he could get a transport job. now who would you want to treat you?
okay and if someone passed emt school, as an adult, why should they get on the truck before me?
I am an explorer in the Dallas Fire Department and i applaud you in to getting your EMT so soon and trying to get your experience as early as possible. I have also had the same question roll through my mind is it right for a 35 year old or an 18 year old to do the same job and who has more the right to do the job. To be perfectly honest i believe that what you are doing is rash and extremely risky and you should consider if you think your mind is ready for the challenges that face you because if they don't you are not only endangering your self but the life of the patient. DON'T LET AGE BRING YOU DOWN, there are 35 year olds who are as ignorant of the world as a young teen and they really do destroy the public safety systems ability to do it's job. I suggest to you to heavily consider what you're doing is the right thing and allows you to bring the best to the people who you protect and serve. FOR that is our job EMT,FIREFIGHTER,POLICE,MILITARY Protect and serve the lives of the people that matter because that comes first even ahead of your own dreams and ambitions which is truly sad but the truth.
Okay, so in response to many of your replies, if i am 16, and someone else is 35, for example and we both complete EMT school at the same time, we would both have the same experience. But now, you find out that i did it to help people and the other guy wanted the cert so he could get a transport job. now who would you want to treat you?

Not an accurate comparison at all. It doesn't matter what anyone's motivation is to obtain the certification, what matters is how their care is. I know of paramedics that would prefer not to be medics, did so to get a fire job, but are still very good paramedics in the field. As long as someone is knowledgeable and compentent is the one I would want helping.

You are trying to justify the age issue here, the bottom line really does come to legality in most cases. I really could care less about any other state laws and so forth out there, in my opinion, like Ben, nobody in emergency services should be on the job until they are considered a legal adult, which federally is 18.

Now yes, a 16 y/o and 35 y/o could finsih class at the same time and so forth, but one thing that most adults do have is real world knowledge and to me, that gives them an edge. I don't care about the fact that a kid can be more mature and some adults not, I get that, but the fact remains that a 16 y/o is not a legal adult. Heck a 16 y/o can't even join the military and there are some major serious hoops involved for even a 17 y/o to join.
Sorry to reply to this, but i have a question you said "As long as someone is knowledgeable and compentent is the one I would want helping."" nobody in emergency services should be on the job until they are considered a legal adult, which federally is 18." by the state law they are knowledgeable and competent enough to perform the duties assigned to them. So it might be in that area suitable for that age group to be in that career. "I don't care about the fact that a kid can be more mature and some adults not, I get that, but the fact remains that a 16 y/o is not a legal adult." So what determines the ability of the person to perform his job in a certain area the qualifications or the age or both so i can get your view straight, because in my eyes i think you might of contradict your self, most likely not.
Please explain sir
There's a big difference between both life and experience and maturity in a teenager and a 35-year old, regardless of the starting point in EMT school.

That's especially true when on the scene of really serious life threatening calls and ever more particularly when children are involved.

I've found that I've learned more about assessing and caring for children from being a parent than I ever did in either EMT or paramedic school, and I know a lot of EMTs and medics that feel the same.

I've also found that a calm, rational adult has a much easier time dealing with the panicked parents of a seriously ill or injured child than does a crew member who isn't much more than a child themselves.

Most of us will have a nice, long life span in which to be an EMT or to otherwise help others. You only get to be a teenager once. Enjoy it. It will help you better understand normal teenager behavior when you grow up to be a mature EMT with some life experience under your belt.

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