I don't know if I am posting this in the right area but I am a new firefighter, have only had my card since december and I have only been on one fire. I am having problems with anxiety off duty about the job and about working a fire. I struggled through my fire class, I did everything that was required but I really struggled. Does anyone have any suggestions that can help relieve my anxiety about the job? I am attending traininigs and doing extra training to learn equipment when I am at the firehouse but it's not helping much. Any suggestions?

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Just relax you'll know what to do.
what i do is to just sit on the truck when we arrive for a few secounds to calm down .hope it helps.
Perhaps you could find a mentor. A more experienced firefighter or an officer who could spend time with you and encourage you. Hopefully your anxiety will go away as you gain confidence.
Find a mentor and take it one step at a time.
I'm with Norm. Find a mentor who can help ease your mind and it will probably make both of you better at your jobs.
Slow down and take a deep breath! I have been doing this for 13 years and when I became a paid firefighter I was so nervous about screwing up. If you think you did something wrong talk to someone about it. The best thing I found was to write down how you feel. Oh and get a hobby! If you keep stressing about it your going to drive yourself and your family crazy!
Relax. If you keep stressing yourself out, your going to cause some problems. As long as you train, stay sharp, you should be fine. I agree with everone else. Get a mentor to help you out. Hell, we had a guy in our Dept that would "blow Chow" almost everytime the bells went off. Unfortunatly that was before you tube.
Get a mentor to help you out and Just relax .a few secounds to calm down you will be ok
I agree with what the other guys said. Find a mentor. When I started I found an experienced firefighter that I worked well with. They can talk you through things your having difficulty with and teach you more from their experiences then you could ever learn out of a book. Your anxiety will fade with time and the more experience you get. In time you'll learn what works for you and what doesn't. Just don't give up and keep working hard. It will all pay off.
Our Department has a mentorship programme, to help new FF's adjust to the job, I agree with all the other guys find somebody to coach you, with experience comes confidence, and in a very short time you will laugh about you current worries. Relax, keep calm and have fun....
What did you struggle with in fire school? (Academics? Physical demands?)
As most people have said - find a mentor. Ride his coat tails and explain to him prior to this that you are still unsure of yourself and still need some guidance. Let your training guide you and let your experience give you the knowledge of what equipment is going to be needed. Learn from yours and other peoples successes and failures. You may not know what to do---but you may know what not to do. Grab someones ear who you respect and would like to emulate and see if they wouldnt mind a tag along. Learn from them,, sometimes its just a matter of watching and not doing. No one knows it all--- and those who do think they know it alll---those are the people to stay away from.

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