What is everyones feelings on the direction firefighting gear is going and all the government regulations put on us as firefighters and or equipment. I am only 25 yet i find ourselves pushing the limits of our capabilities. I myself am all about tradition and if i had it my way I would be wearing 3/4s and a long coat. And no don't wear a hood because I feel now a days thats the only way of knowing the crap is hitting the fan before its to late.

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i agree to some aspects because alot of things are becoming a false sense of security
I have to agree on one point i read here. I have been purchasing turn out gear for 15 years for our dept. Though it has given us incredible protection today, it also has allowed us to go places we have had no business going. Technology has helped to protect us, but techology has also injured and killed many. Technology has created wood i-beams made of particle board, created air tight structures that hide a powerful enemy, created fires hotter then any fire we fought 20 years ago. We just have to know the limitations to the technology we use and face. I have worked with a town one over from you and still see them going to fires in shorts....yes shorts, please leave tradition in the house as stated earlier, or at the local water hole, being 3 towns from you, I dont want to discuss tradition over a funeral 18 miles away. Be Safe!
I have read most of the posts here and everyone seems to say wear the hood. This is good. But I have noticed that a lot of the people who wear the hood do not put their ear flaps down or collar up. They seem to think that the hood is a replacement for them. Lets go all the way and say wear the hood with the ear flaps down and collar up and don't forget the flap for the front of the neck. Keep it save.
The technology and new toys are a tool to be used, not a substitute for training and experience. If you are injured because of the tech, you are using it wrong. The big danger of the newer kit is it allows you to get away with less skill. This is a mixed blessing at best.
All the producers of safety products says that their product is good enough if it is used in proper way. False sense of security is not given by the product, than the user is not recognising the signals in his area of work. Why there's a need to burn ears to understand that the area is not safe, why not learn to understand signals and react in time. We are all humans and we have limits, and we must not go over them.
Tradition is not acting as ''superman'', traditonal FF had no modern wonders to help them in fighting fires so they tryed to understand the nature of fire. They didn't have modern PPE, so they improvised. Evolution of firefighting and rescuing is normal thing, and for me ''traditional'' acting is an appology for not learning new things.
Tradition in keeping some good learnings from past, tradition in preserving the pride of being firefighters, tradition in respecting the past, but we must be turned over nowdays and future challenges. Thats my opinion.
Technology is nothing more than a tool to help us do our job better, easier, more effectively. We still need our eyes and ears and brain to be able to process that information. Personally give me the new technology over the old stuff any day of the week. I love the newer turnout gear, lighter BA bottles, easier to use regulators, better made hoses and trucks, and can't wait to see how much farther we can take firefighting in the next 20-30 years.
We are a dieing breed! In the next 20-30 years there won't be a need for fire fighter because it'll be robots doing our job. Its already happening over seas. One day the fireman will only be a memory and we will have "firebots" what we do now. Its understandable that things need to be upgrade with the time and there's a need for more training. Yet it makes it harder and harder for the true volunteer to be a volunteer now a days with all the mandatied yearly training. I can honestly say I'm a true volunteer fireman I've never been paid to do the job. I do it because I love job and don't need a paycheck for what I do....... Yes technology is a tool for us. But when a computer is running the pump on the engine and not a human I'm sorry that's where the line needs to be drawn. Nothing can replace a pump opperater that knows his job and can think on his feet when the situation changes and quick action is required.
Robots? What are you smoking, Oh that's right fire smoke because you aren't wearing your SCBA.
Excuse me greg I never once said or implied I don't wear my scba. That's one thing I always wear and wouldn't argue not wearing.
You are correct on that, but your whole issue is so ridicules I could not help myself. Robots, no hood, long coats, pull up boots and young FF that don't know what they are doing. What a load of stinking smelly bravado. I would ask you the 25 year old to come to my department and ride with us. You will see well trained well equipped (younger than you) FF's making great fire ground decisions, pushing into high heat fire to knock them down. They wear all their gear and can read the heat and smoke because they are trained to do it, with their hoods on. If they were is the gear you want to wear they would be burned or dead. As I stated before, read your history, study the fire service and get some time on.
were are you from? you can say that for real can you lol

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