It appears the Dynasty Wanxin Hotel was gutted but did not collapse. Has there been any other steel-frame building that has collapsed due to fire damage alone?

Odd that on 911 not one, not two, but three buildings collapsed due to fire. 

What do professional fire fighters think about this?

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I tell you what. You tell me a better way that I can get America to stop killing my brothers and sisters over seas than getting people to talk about this and I'll leave. I came here because it seemed like a good place to discuss this issue with people who might might actually care to know that there's more to the story (did you really know that the BBC reported wtc7 collapsing 22 minutes before it did?, that NONE of the hijackers were from any of the countries that we have invaded?... ect.)

I'm here dropping knowledge to hopefully get people to think and ultimately see the absurdity of what we are doing. Life is precious.... even the lives of people that have different colored skin and speak a different language.
The terrorists were fanatics. Why are we killing innocent civilians? If we had killed 100,000 Americans in the last 10 years, would you still be for this senseless war?

Also, I'm not out in other unrelated discussions posting this stuff. I respect the people here, but think this is an important matter.
That is all common sense there Jack, Rondo the conspiracy theorist has no clue about common freaking sense.

I guess only a conspiracy theorist can't comprehend the simple fact that when steel is heated up and expands, it weakens and when there is tons of weight on said weakened steel, it is a recipe for a collapse.
They very well could have been a military plane remotely controlled. Numerous pilots have stated that you could not go from flying a small plane as the terrorists were "trained" to fly to navigating a huge airliner like the ones involved in the crash.

Reading this has now made me dumber.

Remote controlled commercial airliners, seriously? Give it up.

As for flying from a small plane to a large aircraft, umm, the plane is already in the air and they sure as hell had no intentions of landing it, all they had to do was steer. They weren't using radar or bearings, but going by site. Stop being such a knucklehead.

It may actually behoove you to read some other threads. Perhaps read this book with all your conspiracy theory propaganda....although this isn't fictionalized reading, nor made up conspiracies...just actual fact.
I also didn't catch on right away. At first when my friend told me about it, I thought "ya right. sounds too crazy", then went on about my life. YEARS later, when I was presented with more information, I couldn't just ignore it.
I am an honest man. Hell, I even discarded my religion when I saw it for what it was. I'm really not into faith or even believing in things... simply rest the facts on the balance of reason and see to which side it tilts. When I got my info from the television and cable news, it all fit on one side of the balance. As I started gathering actual facts to set on the other side of the balance, it tilted.

An honest person will see that there is a cover-up as testified by numerous high-ranking officials in the know. For many people (some in this discussion) ignorance lends strength to arrogance; it's very easy to be certain of something if you only know one side.

I get personal attacks instead of sound, honest debate. I actually expect that from someone who is misinformed, so it doesn't set me off any more.

This is an information war.
Rondo, Jack hit exactly why you are here, to further you crazy theory. it is that simple.
To me the bigger question is this: WHY do YOU believe that our government killed its own citizens?
To catapult us into a war that would help us to rebuild our country as the dominant superpower in the coming century... or in their own words (from PNAC Project for a New American Century(right-wing thinktank)):

" America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces."
AND this one:

Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force": "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"... which is exactly what they called 9/11 just hours after it happened.

They talked about it, they desired it, and when they got into office, it happened... to say they made a TON of money would be an understatement of monolithic proportions.

Also, it wasn't that long ago that thousands of Americans got a letter that said, essentially this: "You MUST report for active duty. You are going to Vietnam... whether you want to or not". 17,000 draftees were killed in Vietnam..... for no good reason. My neighbor stays drunk to this day because of what happened to him there. Makes me sick.

That my friend, is why I believe that our country would kill it's own people.
I will tell you a better way, people did it in 1968, protest the Government. I hate the Bush regime and his illegal actions all over the world. He invaded a sovern nation that had nothing to do with 9/11 and killed hundreds of thousands of women, children and innocent people. But that has nothing to do with your crazy theories.
Not sure that this has anywhere else to go here...thread closed.


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