It appears the Dynasty Wanxin Hotel was gutted but did not collapse. Has there been any other steel-frame building that has collapsed due to fire damage alone?

Odd that on 911 not one, not two, but three buildings collapsed due to fire. 

What do professional fire fighters think about this?

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This is an interesting group.

I joined to get a fire fighter's perspective to a simple question. 9/11 is clearly an emotional topic. I am disturbed by those who attempt to make light of it. One thing I found true of the fire fighters I have known is that they all shared a deep commitment for truth, integrity and saving lives. I appreciate the responses of those who share my concerns. As to you others, you have not explained what harm a true investigation into 9/11 would cause.

Now you're just being disingenuous (if not down right insulting).
"One thing I found true of the fire fighters I have known is that they all shared a deep commitment for truth, integrity and saving lives. I appreciate the responses of those who share my concerns."

I don't know about anybody else but to me, what you're saying is that those of us who do NOT believe in your theory do NOT have "...a deep commitment for truth, integrity and saving lives." I call bullshit.

Where do you get off categorizing us as such simply because we don't buy your theory? So it now comes down to; only those that subscribe to your ideology are committed to "...truth, integrity and saving lives.?" So we are not allowed to think for ourselves, to believe what we believe and still be committed to truth, integrity and saving lives; ONLY if we believe as you do.

You'll win no friends in here insulting people's intelligence because they hold differing opinions.
"I joined to get a fire fighter's perspective to a simple question " No you didn't. You joined to promulgate your conspiracy theory that our government is out to get us. And when you found you didn't have overwhelming support you resort to cheap, emotional tactics implying that those who are in disagreement with you are incapable of sharing "...a deep commitment for truth, integrity and saving lives."

"As to you others, you have not explained what harm a true investigation into 9/11 would cause." There already HAS been an investigation. You just don't accept it. It doesn't fit into your preconceived notion that our government is malicious. No investigation, by anyone, will every satisfy you, until and unless the results are ONLY what you have predetermined them to be.

For better or for worse perhaps the one overwhelming, shared quality all firefighters have is their patriotism. We may often be in disagreement over politics and direction, but what you're asking is that everyone of us discard our "old" notions of democracy, of a free nation and self determination and buy into your ideology that our own government is out to destroy us, itself and the world, so that a few wealthy overlords can rule despotically, behind the scenes until their own actions finally take them down as well.

Coming full circle, that you would so casually(yet arrogantly) imply that anyone that doesn't subscribe to your theory lacks "...a shared a deep commitment for truth, integrity and saving lives" is so far beyond the pale as to be nearly unbelievable. Clearly you thought that, by quoting or connecting other firefighters who buy into your conspiracies would be little more than a fait acompli to convincing the rest of us of your *truth*. It reminds me of a phrase used not so long ago, "You're either with us or against us."
Dear Jack/dt:

I apologize if I offended anyone as that was not my intention. I thought pointing out the character traits of firefighters I had the honor of knowing was a compliment.

Obviously you do not know what an insult is so I will make it easy for you. Are you paying attention? This is an insult aimed directly at you. You must be on the Bush/Cheney payroll! How much blood money have you accepted? Your mission, which you apparently chose to accept, is to slap down anyone who wants a true investigation. There! Now that's an insult... I feel better now.

Meanwhile while we are fighting amongst ourselves the real criminals are luxuriating in the billions they have stolen. Are you sure you want to help these people? Otherwise what's in it for you?

The so-called investigations you quote were by their own admission incomplete. They did not even address Building 7 and they did not look into matters related to controlled demolition or the suspicious stock trading that went on.

What makes me sick is seeing Dick Cheney on TV saying how so proud he was that Halliburton was supporting the war effort while Halliburton was charging $27 Million dollars to transport a few thousand dollars worth of propane gas a few hundred miles... and that is only the tip of the iceberg.
I was being generous when I said you were being disingenuous. I retract that and instead see you as little more than an online bully who now will stop at nothing to prove his point(s).

You did indeed (intentionally) insult me and everyone else who disagreed with you by clearly making a connection that those who believe as you "...shared a deep commitment for truth, integrity and saving lives."

But you then took it one step further and made it personal. Funny how you immediately want to connect me to Bush/Cheney (and I wish I was on their payroll, I wouldn't have to work for a living) when actually you couldn't be further from the truth (pun intended). You make an interesting point,
"Your mission, which you apparently chose to accept, is to slap down anyone who wants a true investigation." I am indeed an agent of misinformation. As is everyone who refuses to accept your version of reality. I'm not an expert but, based on your wording (and clearly, your beliefs) one could easily conclude that you are both paranoid and delusional (there, a gentle but firm insult back.)

Of course there are (and always will be) profiteers. It's human nature to find a way to profit, especially from someone else's misfortune. Pay-for-service EMS comes readily to mind. And it's human nature to see patterns (conspiracies) where there are none. The human brain is wired to seek and find patterns, we are a visual animal. But it is important to be able to discern real patterns (evolution, weather, investment trends) from fanciful ones (constellations, the man in the moon and your theory).

Clearly you are here on a mission, a latter day Don Quixote tilting at your own particular windmills and attempting to bully and insult all those that defy you. You're free to choose as you believe (and as you do) but you make the common mistake of attacking those who do not believe as you. You make no friends or allies and defeat your own purpose by such actions. But then, I suspect that delusions suit you well. It's rather apparent here that you've found one that fits you perfectly. Enjoy it and let us know how it works for you.
And people wonder why I have this on my profile;
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Functionally illiterate people,
Conspiracy theorists,
Flaming idiots.
Do away with the above and the Fire Service stands a chance, inside and outside.
I can't take these pinheads seriously. (Jack/dt "on the Bush/Chaney payroll" - an FFN Instant Classic!)
Ya read it here first, WP!
You are aware the those "terrorists" were NOT religious fanatics as we were told. They were patsies. Our government has been funding terrorism in the middle east for years. If you really want to know what happened take a look at the recent bombing attempt in Portland. The FBI establishes contact with an angry potential terrorist. Gives him money, pays his rent. Takes him out in the woods and blows up shit. Helps him get a vehicle loaded up with what he thinks are real explosives... then when he goes across the street to call the phone number that he thinks will blow up the car, he gets busted.

Now just consider for a moment that the FBI decided to use actual bombs instead... all of a sudden, we have an explosion caused by a terrorist...... If you research WTC bombing in 93, you'll see that that's what happened. The FBI used real explosives when they said they were just setting up a sting....
In the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, a former Egyptian army officer named Emad Salem. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to bomb the towers as early as February 6, 1992. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of hundreds of possible suspects.

Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers. We have the actual audio recordings and transcripts of these conversations... It's hard to see it any other way.
I'm not sure what kind of plane hit the towers. I know that planes did hit. I'm not certain that they were the planes that we were told they were. They very well could have been a military plane remotely controlled. Numerous pilots have stated that you could not go from flying a small plane as the terrorists were "trained" to fly to navigating a huge airliner like the ones involved in the crash.
I'm not certain what exactly happened. I don't believe the official story of that day and neither do some very intelligent people.

Here is a Army Major Generals take on the events of that day. I'd think his opinion should matter somewhat. :
Is everyone aware that the BBC announced the collapse of the WTC7 22 minutes before it actually happened?

The collapse of that building was immediate and quick .. less that 7 seconds to fall straight into it's basement... from beginning to end.
The BBC didn't say that it was going to collapse. They didn't say that it partially collapsed. No, they stated exactly what happened 22 minutes before it happened. Doesn't any of this make you question what's really going on?

It's never happened before....even the Wanxin Hotel is still standing after a torching... Towers 1 and 2 were hit by airplanes and that's what weakened them.... or so we are told.

With your own eyes look at this photo and tell me that it looks like gravity pulling down a building weakened by fire.
Rondo, You are right. The guvment blew it up. Thanks for telling us. Now go back into your hole, no one wants to hear lunatics rant about some off the wall conspiracy.
No real investigation, you are an uninformed idiot. By the way are you a fireman?


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