It appears the Dynasty Wanxin Hotel was gutted but did not collapse. Has there been any other steel-frame building that has collapsed due to fire damage alone?

Odd that on 911 not one, not two, but three buildings collapsed due to fire. 

What do professional fire fighters think about this?

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I joined specifically to respond to the post regarding Dynasty Wanxin. There has been a cover up of the events of that day. This REALLY matters to me. My country (the one I had before 9/11 when I could fly without being molested) really matters to me. If you could take an honest look at the events of that day and all of the warnings that they had.... all the lies they told. All of the changes made to make us vulnerable. You would find a mountain of evidence that tells a different story.
What I have realized is that people who will not even consider the posibility that 9/11 may have had some inside assistance, such as yourself, are not stupid or incapable of rational thought.... it's that many of them are actually good people to whom such an act would never even enter their minds and they cannot imagine that others would do it either.... That is why I even mentioned Vietnam in the first place.

What you hear on TV is not what's going on. It's propaganda.
Research Operation Mockingbird:

You won't see me posting this info in a discussion on unrelated issues. I felt that this discussion could use a little stirring of the pot, as you put it. I'd like to get our country back. This is not the America that my grandfather fought for.
It seems to me the towers would not had collapsed straight down but the upper floors would have fallen over to the side leaving most of the towers standing. To collapse all the way down through the path of most resistance does imply that each floor's structural columns were knocked out of the way in a matter of seconds... free fall speed...

Look up "pancake collapse" the building performed exactly as would be expected.

If you can find ANY structural engineer who has done any investigation (beyond inference and cherry picking data points) I'd love to see it. I've read a lot of the theories, and all they have is extraordinary claims that can easily be explained through much less fantastic means, followed by base appeals to emotion.

I encourage you to be sceptical. No one should take anything on faith. In this case (and in every case), you need to apply the same scepticism in both directions.
They didn't need to explode any more. It was spectacular enough to accomplish the intended task.

By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell – and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed. - Adolph Hitler

Do you know how hard it is to fly into the Pentagon's protected air space?

You now Cheney was at the pentagon issuing stand down orders moments before the plane hit. Testimony from Norman Minetta (sec of trans)

August 6, 2001, presidential daily briefing entitled Bin Laden determined to strike in US... George Bush ignored the warnings and went on vacation.

Please look at some of the foreknowledge and information that the t.v. does NOT report on:
First David Lyttle joins and posts a discussion that references a 9/11 conspiracy, about 9 hours later, here you are, likewise pushing the 9/11 conspiracy. Is it coincidence or could you two be in cahoots?
(sorry, I'm now in a conspiratorial mood)

It's always the same thing, everything is lies and only you know the truth. So we're left with one of two alternatives: Believe the government or believe the conspiracists. Frankly we need to resolve Big Foot, Nessie, UFO's and who killed Kennedy first.
Rodno, the issues you raise have nothing to do with the fact that 19 guys crashed 4 planes into various bits of American real estate.

I agree with nearly everything you have to say about our loss of freedom and the use of fear as a political bludgeon, but that has nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11, that is entirely our own doing in response to the attacks.
Will you please listen to the first-hand testimony of some of the firefighters that were there on 9/11. Hopefully, you still respect the opinions of actual firefighters who were actually there on 9/11....
First David Lyttle joins and posts a discussion that references a 9/11 conspiracy, about 9 hours later, here you are, likewise pushing the 9/11 conspiracy. Is it coincidence or could you two be in cahoots?

That would be my guess.....or the same person. Funny how someone, who happens to be a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, just arbitrarily is looking up info about the Wanxin hotel and just "happens" to come across this site, becomes a member, just to post on this one thread.

Yep, conspiracy indeed.
"The towers were brought down by a group of terrorists who hated America and flew a 747 in each tower." what about building 7?
You have firefighters talking about what they saw and searching for analogies to describe it.
Thinking they saw explosions doesn't mean that was what was happening.

At 7.21 the video shows a transcript and recording of FF's saying little or no smoke or fire on the 74th floor. Relevance? Not sure which tower they were in, but the north tower was struck from 93rd to 99th and the south tower at the 81st floor. So how is the fact there was no fire on the 74th floor relevant?

There have been many studies done on witness reliability. What a person saw is not necessarily what happened. In the video it points out what are explained as 'controlled explosions' just beneath the collapsing tower. Two jets of dust/smoke are seen shooting out of windows on two adjacent sides of the building. If one accepts the pancake collapse theory then it would make sense that what is thought to be controlled explosions could actually be dust from the above collapse being forced downward beneath the pancake collapse of upper floors, perhaps in the stairwells and shooting out windows.

If I hear hoof beats, I think horse. But I'm sure someone could come up with enough "convincing" evidence to suggest zebra. Unless I'm in Africa or a zoo I'd most likely continue to assume horse.
I didn't mention Hoffa because we know what happened to him. The government had him whacked.
I thought he got trampled by zebras.
My own personal experience has been to find that most people can't fathom the notion that the events of 9/11/01 were not as reported by the U.S government.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, in that I don't feel that I believe much of what has been theorized.
Neither can I believe the NIST report, nor much else of the government's official fictional narrative.
I call it fictional, because that's how I've come to see it, after having read thousands of pages and viewed at least several hundred hours of video on the subject. "Tons of research".

I first joined the fire service in 1968.
I devoured everything I could find in magazines, books, and training.
It was an obsession.

I've wondered all along at the coincidence that the only steel-reinforced concrete structures to have ever fallen due to fire happened on the same plot of ground. I never believed it was possible, having known how the twin towers were built, having moved to NY in 1971, when the towers were being finished. I somewhat studied them,
Do a quick study of their actual construction, then see if you can decide what brought them down.
The fact that they fell straight down, in such classic planned-demolition style, didn't sit well with me.
There is a history of many similar structures that have been subjected to much hotter fires, for much longer duration, that buckled but didn't fall.

Just like NIST, I won't even get into Tower 7.
Did jet fuel, which is one step from kerosene, cause large pools of molten steel in the basements?
What happened to all of the surveillance tapes from the DC area that were confiscated, never to be seen again?
Would you call your own mother and identify yourself with your full name?
Why all the controversy surrounding the eyewitness accounts and lack of wreckage in that field, at the other end of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?
I'm tired, and I don't want to list the hundreds of questions.

I was in the north of England that fateful day, so I received a different set of perspectives during the events.
I felt absolutely ashamed of how the American officials came across, with all that cowboy talk about how we were ,
"...gonna smoke 'em out...", and a lot of other hogwash.
A short time later, Bin Laden was, "no longer a person of interest".

When possibly the most intelligent guy I've ever known started sharing facts about what had actually happened, I took notice. I began reading up and found far too much wrong with the official story.

The trouble is, all conspiracy theories are called into question when you are met with a myriad of goofy hair-brained ideas that cloud the waters. Some of what's been suggested has been possibly purposely planted there to ruin the reputations of anyone who believes any of it and is actually seeking the truth.

It's become Us against Them.
It's ironic that any terrorists who may have been involved and are still living, are getting exactly what they wanted, while we still don't even know why.
It's become so murky, and passion is so in control of both camps, that we will most likely never know the truth.

That's all I have to say.


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