Houston Councilwoman Criticized Over Firehouse Visit; Implied Firefighters Were Lazy

Houston Chronicle
Reprinted with Permission

In her latest run-in with Houston firefighters, Councilwoman Jolanda Jones drew a flurry of criticism over the weekend after she allegedly used obscene language and suggested that firefighters were lazy during a fire station visit on Friday.

Jeff Caynon, president of the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, said Jones made offensive remarks to firefighters while visiting Station 8 downtown Friday. Caynon was told Jones also commented on the facility, suggesting that it was too nice.

Jones did not respond to repeated requests for comment, but a spokesman said the allegations were false, although he did not comment on whether profanity was used at all during the firehouse exchange.

'Cultural Bias' Alleged
Jones, who is serving her second term on the council, has previously been critical of the Houston Fire Department for an alleged culture of racism and sexism. She blasted the department after two female firefighters in 2009 found racist and sexist graffiti scrawled in their quarters at an airport fire station. She has also argued the department had a "cultural bias" that makes the workplace difficult for firefighters.

Caynon, who is African-American, previously clashed with Jones for allegedly calling him a "house Negro" during a discussion about discrimination within the fire department.

"I understand there was a lot of profanity," he said, adding that firefighters were offended that she was not civil with her language and showed little respect for their work.

"The substance of what she said was, 'You guys don't work. You just come in and sit down on your recliners and watch TV all day,' and that's not the case," Caynon said.

Caynon has asked Fire Chief Terry Garrison to order an investigation into Jones' statements.

"This is an obvious misunderstanding," Jones said in a statement released late Saturday. "I accompanied various people on my staff to several city facilities to familiarize them with the services we provide — so that we can do a better job of serving the public."
Jones says she' 'baffled'

Keith Wade, a consultant for the councilwoman, said the visit was part of a "team building" exercise for her staff. Jones did not notify the station of her visit because her group's assignment during that portion of the exercise was to visit "a fire station" using public transportation.

Jones, in her statement, did not directly address the allegation that she had used profanity during her visit and declined to respond to questions about her conduct. She said she was confused by the accounts of her visit.

"I'm particularly baffled, since at Fire Station 8, we asked what we could do to help," she said in the statement.

Houston Fire Department spokesman Pat Trahan said Garrison wanted to reserve comment until he has more information.

Councilman James Rodriguez, whose district includes Station 8, said Saturday he has asked Mayor Annise Parker to look into the issue.

Councilwoman Anne Clutterbuck said allegations about Jones' most recent conduct at a fire station are a cause for concern

Jones Clashes With Firefighters Again

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Do you really think this councilwoman would want to get her hands dirty????
I would call it home renovation....
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I've worked on an Ambulance in the City of Buffalo and seen and hear whats going on during the day. We made friends at a 2 unit and 3 unit house and were invited to come in when in the area. The house on coming crew inspects their gear and the engine / truck they are on and do maintenance on what ever and set up for the day. The rig gets washed and food gets made. Everyone eats and then it's "On the air" for driver training, laying lines, throwing ladders and setting up T/L's to be proficient. And when there is down time, your free to work out, watch TV, read and if your really lucky to be an Officer, do your paper work.

But if she called a Firefighter a "house Negro", she should be suspended and after an investigation, FIRED! There is no reason in the world to use racial HATE words to anyone! It's 2011, racism needs to be stopped and not be an issue anywhere!
Call in the "Basement Savers" - lol
You know it's easy for them to talk down about Firefighters when its not them doing the job. For instance, its 1:30 in the morning you've laid down your fast asleep and the next thing you know bam, the pager goes off and its out the door scrambling for your clothes and the truck keys while trying to read the page and get to the fire house to gear up, these politicians are hen pecked and hand fed and know nothing of what we go through and what we sacrifice. Maybe one day they will wake up and realize that the very peoples jobs they are cutting are the same ones they will need when their house is burning to the ground, or somebody slams into their Mercedes or their kid is lying motionless in the road because the police they also decided to cut weren't out to patrol the streets to make sure that people are driving safely. Things to think about ya know? Just Sayin'
When they want pay raises, they should have the public vote on it, like a referendum.
I received this on Facebook from Councilwoman Johnson;
Mr. Moyer, what you've heard is not true. In fact, I am responsible for getting working air conditioning systems, heating systems, repairing broken sewer lines which spew sewage into fire stations, water purification system, working stoves & ovens, & broken cabinets when the union didn't do it. Since X-mas, I have fixed the sewer line (Station 55) & a heating system (Station 17). I find it curious that that info wasn't put on the lead in the news. 2 the contrary, I have fought 4 human rights amenities at stations that the union president should have fought 4 & provided. I don't brag on what I have done 4 fire fighters, maybe that's why some would believe these frivolous & mean spirited allegations. The truth will come out & I just hope people will be as vocal in their apologies, if any.

Just passing this on.
we're not lazy we are just well rested and ready to work.
it doesnt matter how many good things you do, the first bad thing will forever tarnish your name
Once we had a guy sleep through the fire siren....Was still sleep when we got back. Luckily we're Vollies wo he didn't get fired, harassed mercily but not fired.
Is it me or should this look a little more professionally written? 2 the contrary; fought 4, done 4 firefighters???? WTH is that? And she's a martyr for routine maintenance?!?!?!!? Someone should erect a monument for her NOW! ggrrrrrrrr politicians...........
Shoulda locked the door and waited for them to ring the bell --- three times.

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