I'll start,

I'm a career Lieutenant in Colorado. I've been a Firefighter for 19 years and a career firefighter for 15.

I also teach at the fire acaedmy and at the local Jr. College.

I'm married and have 2 kids, Boys 22 and 18. They are both in the Air Force.

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My name is Barry and I'm 25 years old..I joined a Volunteer Fire department almost a year ago.Ever since I've joined my life has changed for the better.I believe I'm a little more responsible now in anything that I do.I'd like to be a carreer FF some day but if that day never comes then I'll be happy being a volunteer.If there was a carreer department close enough to me I'd do both paid and volunteer.I'm taking FF1 this coming May and I'm also going to be a certified diver pretty soon.We have a boat for River rescues and a Dive Team.I can't wait to get all my certifications.I've got it in mind that I'm going to certify in everything that my county or state will pay for.lol
Good Luck everyone and Be safe at the end of the day we all go home
KVFD Station 800
Welcome Lee! Thanks for your post and thank you for serving in the Army.

Be Safe, Roger
Welcome Rusty, I started in the fire service at 30 year old. Take care of yourself and work hard and age really has no impact on the job. In my old guy opinion! :)

You bring up a great point, most departments are requiring an EMT Basic or EMT Paramedic certificate to apply. Even if it's not required its a huge plus when getting hired.

Thanks Rusty, Be Safe,

Welcome Barry,

Great point. Many Volunteer Departments are a great resource for getting additional training. This will add big points to the hiring process at paid departments. It of course also makes you a better firefighter for the volunteer agency too!

Be Safe Barry,

I am Brian ive been with green valley vol fire dept since august 2010 I live at my mothers till she gets her own place again so i can move back into my trlr. I love serving my community with a bunch of great guys and other depts. I hope to meet alot of people on here and if your'e on facebook look me up bountycop24701@yahoo.com. I am currently looking for a job, trying to get on with a security company or something that pays decent enough to get a house. My favorite part of the fire service is the training and everything that goes with the job. Hope that everyone has a good safe night.
Welcome Kevin,

Thanks for your post. I appreciate the years of experence and your offer to help others with the testing process!

Be Safe,
Hi All, My name is Chris, I joined up with the Eureka volunteers about a year ago now, I've been training hard, just finished my 130-190 and my hazmat ops. next is ff1 and 2 Its the hardest best thing I've ever done next to marry my wife and have 2 boys <3 years and 6 months> I always wanted to do this when I was a kid and Now it's a reality. Have been on several calls unfortunately a couple fatality's. Its a very rewarding sobering Job.

Looking forward to learning alot more.
Greetings !
I'm from Croatia so my contribution will be wery little (like my country).
Just to introduce myself:
Nenad Ilisic; age 38; married; 2 kids (8 and 4).
Professional (paid) firefighter from '93. From 2007 chief of shift. We work in 4 shifts. 12 hour shift (day) - 24 hour free, 12 hour shift (night) - 48 hour free. Time of working shift is 07 AM -07 PM, 07 PM- 07 AM.
Because we don't have ranks (different type of ranking) it is difficult to comapre with US ranks. Maybe Lieutenant I'm not sure.
Fineshed firefighter school in Zagreb in '94. During years of service I've studied, and finished 4 year shool for safety engineer - fire protection specialist.
Thanks to international exchanges I've finished rope rescue training in firefighter school in Rome, Italy - High/depth rescuer (SAF 1B). Also I've partecipated in officer exchange France/Croatia in departament Bouches du Rhone (SDIS 13) where partecipated in different trainings and execises.
I speak english and italian language. In summer time when firefighters visit our country as tourists, they also visit firestations. So I had the opportunity to talk with different people from different parts of world.
Among them I spoke with firefighters from LA and Orlando, and the best compliment they gave to us is that we don't have to be ashamed (we are not), because in some things we are in advance from US firefighters. The reason is less legislative pression, therefore we apsorb knowledge from all sources we can. We use different types of techiques, gear, etc. so it is ungrateful to compare.
Welcome Brian, Great to have you apart of the group!
Welcome Chris, Congrats on the HAZMAT ops! Keep up the hard work.

Welcome Nenad, Thank you for joining the group. I look forward to hearing from you on our differences and simularities. Be safe,

OK just seen this,

Hey, name is Steve been with the fire dept since Jan. 21 1993. My mom told me that I couldn't join until I was 21 so on my 21st b-day I went and got an App. My dad was on this dept. for 10 years and I think she thought that if I waited it might keep me from doing it. :) We are a combination of paid and paid on call ( we have 3 paid and the rest of us are POC). I was promoted to Lieutenant in July of this year I have all the fun classes...lol.. FFII, FFIII, FAE, ERT (which I think is called roadway vehicle something now) Haz Mat Tech A&B. I was an EMT-I for 9 years but it is to hard to keep up on CEU's if you dont do it full time. I absolutely love what I do and never see me giving it up.


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