We had this HUGE discussion in school about firefighting, and the first words my friend (he's from another country) said about Firefighters is that they put out fires and rescue animals from high places.

Has your company gone to rescue a cat, or maybe even a dog, from a high point?

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Vic is right on this one. We rescue 1 or 2 cats a year. The last one I was on the cat had been in the tree for 3 days with daytime high temps of 25 and nighttime in the low teens. No, I don't like cats, but they are a living, breathing animal that should not suffer just because we might get a priority call, of which we would respond to just as quickly as before. It's also great PR. Our association gets a lot of donations and with all the animal lovers out there this helps generate even more donations.
and furthermore - some would say... cats are superior life forms... to men...

Mrs. Silverfish? Is that you?
Ahhh, the voice of reason speaks out! LOL!!
Sister - you know I can only go the pace that they can follow - otherwise I have to keep backtracking and explaining and ... I hate that...

so I w.a.l.k... s.l.o.w.l.y...

but mind you...
I am flossing my teeth with their jugulars... as we speak...
they just don't know it yet...
since they get so easily distracted by the girls...
I bow to the Mistress!
you've trained me well Goddess
Sister ... we rock! Now, let's go kick some cat-bashing asses!!
Since they obviously did not reproduce themselves, yep, I'm still sure.
non-living objects producing more non-living objects - thereby increasing the population...

An oldie but a goodie

This is degenerating into a "what color is your cat" post, whether intended or not.

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