Our mutual aid group has started an extrication/rescue unit. We currently have 2 sets of extrication tools that were purchased used a few years ago. With all the new metals in vehicles now, we're looking to purchase new tools in the near future.
Any recommendations and why?
Anything will be appreciated
This can be EASILY argued. Hurst has been around a LONG time with Resqtek bringing up a close second. Tool popularity can be quite location biased. A twenty year old spreader is still VERY adequate for use. The Cutters are where all the effort and ehgineering is being spent. And with the new construction,cutter are reaching the point of no return rapidly.
Just for Grins,how old are your hurst tools? Our holmatro's were bought in '83 and we've replaced ONE cutter blade in that time. Operator error, broke the blade. These tools are being replaced this year but we've enjoyed very good service from them,
for the completation of your rescuetools, don't forget our Rescueprotectionset to cover all the sharp edges after cutting and so to protect the personel and victims. www.rescueprotectionset.com
Mike what draws you to the conclusion the Hurst is more durable or reliable than Holmatro? EARLY versions of Holmatro cutters had an occasional Issue but that was fixed in later generations and never looked back. I'd hazard a guess that ANY modern HRT with PROPER service will be about as reliable as any other. We had Homatro sine around 1983, NEVER had any issues.
Tim our hurst speader and cutters were purchased in 1977 and still going strong, but its like anything, take care of it and it will perform. I have used 3 or 4 different brands and have found they all work about the same just alittle different.
As far as extrication tools go you get what your budget allows. I have used hurst both old models which work great but are very heavy and the new model which is lighter by approx 15-20 lbs. both very good.
I have used holmatro both old style with 2 hose hook up which worked great and was extremely light and also the new style with the dual core hose. It is a single hose hook up. This can cut the boron steel but is much slower than the older model.
If you are in a small dept. with light turn out on calls I would recommend the holmatro
due to its light weight and ease of use.
me personally i like to bring a halligan bar and the spreaders of course and the cutters and i also like using grow bars they work great for extrication needs
i would say holmatro i used them in a heavy equipment rescue course expensive but worth it. the city of kamloops has a set on all their trucks for cars and a rescue truck set up for everything they are simple to use,light and only have one line to worry about,we have a old set of hurst they work but it takes two firefighters to use the jaws