Just looking for feedback on it. Look at the picture. I would also like to know what you have for a Rehab Unit:-)

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are you in the US?
Nope no rehab unit , rely on ambulance or cabs of the trucks , but with a unit like what chris showed i see fund raiser potential , selling lunch at the corner
We have the lady's auxiliary that does a great job of finding us wherever we are, be it Wild land or structure. Bringing us hot or cold beverages and piles of food in there personal vehicles.
We have a rehab that is very similar in our house. It has a kitchen with microwave, coffee maker, massive storage for water and gatorade, and a built in head. It can also be used for IC with two PCs, radios, big screen TV, a moveable camera and flood lights on the roof. The other houses rag on us and call it the Taco Wagon, but guess what, they are lining up when they need a drink or use the rest room.
To have a rehab you don't have to buy something big or fancy. You could use a van, SUV, old ambulance, used motor home or something donated.
Just be inventive on how to get things to the scene and set it up. Get a pop up tent, folding table, power inverter , maybe a camping toilet and a pop up tent for that or just hide behind a tree somewhere and don't forget the paper and you could have a nice unit.
Form a Fire Corps unit to help with rehab ops and you might get federal funds to get a nice unit.
Sometimes you need a EMS unit to check your crews to be sure they are doing OK so you might need a cool down or warm area next to a canteen and check vitals so you might need folding chairs, tables, cots and maybe a pop up tent for that too or get a old school bus or old city bus and outfit it the way you want.
I totally agree with your advice. The Anne Arundel Alarmer's units are really great now, but 52 years ago it all started with a coffee urn in one of the guy's station wagon:

"On a cold January night in 1958, Al Brandt, George Lord, and Harry Arrow were at a Kiwanis meeting, when word came of a major fire in Glen Burnie. The A&P store on Crain Highway was heavily involved. The temperature was near zero, and firemen were going to nearby stores, to get some hot coffee, and a break from the firefighting. Al could see there was a definite need for a canteen unit, such as Box 414 in Baltimore City. And so began the Anne Arundel Alarmers Association. The men used George's station wagon as the first vehicle, equipped to serve only coffee at fire scenes."

Copied from: http://www.freewebs.com/anne_arundel_alarmers/history.htm
I agree with you it don't have to be fancy as long as it has something hot or cold to drink. Something big and fancy is nice too. For instance, It's time for dinner and you get a still box, Fire in a Mill or large home. This canteen can feed On scene a nice hot meal at any event they may occure. Donations are always nice to show the support to the men and women fighting fires:-)
We have a company here called 1-800-boardup that does some excellent rehad work...for long-running incidents they arrange for food, water, coffee, etc.. and then once we're done thay do the temporary fencing etc at the site. They'll even get porta-johns to the site if the situation calls for them.

Rialto, California has an old Beer delivery truck they have converted to a Rehab unit. I like it and think it would make a great way for most fire departments to establish a stocked Rehad/Canteen unit for big events. The Gut Truck is a also a great way to establish a canteen point almost anywhere.

We do not. However, being in MABAS Div. 2, we have Hanover Park F.D's rehab unit at our disposal. It responds to virtually all major incidents in the Division. It's just a converted ambulance, but it comes in handy. Otherwise, we've had the Salvation Army canteen at some major scenes.
For small, short running incidents we usually just have our squad(ours is a pick-up) stop at a local store and get some pizza or a deli tray, and bring some brewed coffee and hot chocolate in large thermoses from the station, we already carry water and powder gatorade packets on all apparatus. For large, long running incidents we will call in the Salvation Army canteen, and/or Red Cross, and a transit authority bus.
It's a nice unit to have:-)
Chief France not to sure where you are from but I think you shoud bring it up to your guys maybe they would like to help out when there off.

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