This is a post of prayers that you may whisper or say in your head as you are enroute to a call.

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If you are better than that, then be better than that. Sarcasm it wasn't, reactionary and flagrantly disrespectful it was.

I don't believe in God, the devil, heaven or hell, and I sure don't believe in prayer. But I don't look down my nose at people who do. And I've never had my "threat level" triggered in any way shape or form by the mere mention of prayer in a discussion.

Really, you felt threatened? Come on, man!

By the way, where would you have Tom post his thoughts about prayers enroute to a fire call if not in the General Discussion?
Gregory do attack someone who calls your dept for help? If they say god bless you will you go off or make fun of them? If you don't believe in god than fine. But if some else does then leave it alone.
I guess you didn't watch the videos I posted above huh? Because I believe attitudes like yours don't belong in the fire service.
My statement has nothing to do with prayer. It has to do with pride, honor, integrity. These are our values and are conduct.
I joke around on here but I will never try to belittle any one or make fun of someone.
I have never heard of your creed. If that was the case I quit now and want my tax money back as a taxpayer. We already pay LEOs for that.
1.)The Christian FF section would work. 2.) I don't think it was disrespectful at all. As I stated farther down in this discussion, this forum is like the firehouse kitchen table. If you don't want others opinion or input then don't bring it up at the table.
3.) It was in fact sarcasm (from Websters; sarcasm="a mocking or contemptuously ironic remark intended to wound another").
4.) The threat level remark was more sarcasm.
Arrrrh, pirates be the hand maiden to the great FSM.

Arrrrrh you suggesting we have a drink of milk?
By calling someones prayer Discussion " bullshit" over and over you really don't think thats an insult? Really come on you got to be tring to belittling someones religious view?
This is not the kitchen at your station your comments are being read by the world. I am not attacking your view just your lack of respect for others. Again if you can't say something nice don't say anything. Believe me I am not tring to insult you. Just not wanting you to insult others.
John, did you read what I wrote below? What goes on at the firehouse kitchen table has nothing to do with how we treat the citizens, of course I would not say something to a citizen, never. At the station when you bring it up, it is wide open and this forum is like the station table. You don't like what I said, yet you are not dropping it, or letting it go. Instead you are attacking my integrity and you know nothing about me. If I am sarcastic to people that want to know my prayer on the way to a call you got it, he asked I told him. If you don't like it, well follow your own advice and don't read it.
Normally, I would do such a thing, but I am lactose intolerant Jack... sigh...

and by the way, (using Pirate linguistics) "What be a pirates favorite letter?"...

"It be the C..."

and C is the first letter of Christmas... so again, Merry Christmas you old salty dog. Arrrrr...

First of all I did not say the discussion was bullshit, I said that I thought prayer was biullshit. I was not belittling his religious view I was giving my view, they conflict, so what. Like I said I respect him and his right to say it, it is just that I think he is wrong. I also think the world that is reading this is the fire service and hangers-on, so near enough to the kitchen table it remains.

1.) Why would a discussion about prayer be restricted to the Christian FF section? 2.) That's bullshit about FFN being like the firehouse kitchen table. You have to be brave enough to chance being punched in the face at the kitchen table. Remarks like yours from behind a computer screen can be made by any coward with a keyboard.
3.) You wanna go with your Websters definition of sarcasm? Fine. That would also get you punched in the face at the firehouse. Here it's just a violation of the terms of the website. (Not to mention good taste, which has obviously eluded you in this discussion.)
4.) I doubt it. I think you are threatened. Sad.
My mom laughs about thinking how many times I will say it when I get the job!!!
Lord Please Watch over me and my crew that i'm leading into danger ,in the event that our number is called god please watch over our families and our other crew that we have left behind and for the saftey of all those whom they are saving
Nice, WP. WWJP? (who would Jesus punch?)


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