This is a post of prayers that you may whisper or say in your head as you are enroute to a call.

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That was truly one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read on FFN.
Oh boy... here we go....
Before the post goes off into la la land, I wanted to note that in the fire station, at least in my world, there were some basic rules about things that were on the don't go there list. Anytime you start getting into discussions involving religion, politics or what goes on behind closed doors in one's home is generally speaking an invitation for a disagreement.

Stick to fire department related discussions to avoid these pitfalls. They do no good in the long run and just end up in a pissing contest. And if I was in the mood to mess with you Greg, I would say something like "I pray you understand my thoughts and intentions...", but I won't go there. :D

That kind of incivility should be beneath Greg or anyone else here. I have a hard time believing he's not better than that.
As my Hindu friend says; "my gods can beat up your god."

May his noodley appendage bless you, ramen,

I can't begin to tell you the number of times that we didn't have to make a run, because what ever bad thing was happening was made to stop happening by my praying to the great FSM, who, after stopping the bad thing from happening then erased from my memory the memory that I had prayed to him to stop the bad thing from happening (which is why I can't tell you the number of times, but it was a lot, I think). So praying to the great FSM works!

I would include the prayer here, but I've forgotten it. Anything pretty much works though, so long as you're serious, or think you are, or were. Ramen.
Where's Joyce when we need her Jack? Merry Christmas!!! Mike
I think she just got tired of the nonsense here, can't blame her.
Happy (late) Diwali.
Too perfect!
Each time I get a call I pray that God watches over us and keeps us safe and that He allows us to use our training to the best of our abilities.

Greg-I will pray for you. I'm sure you probably will object to that, but as a christian that's what I am to do. Jesus Loves You, Greg, He truly does. John 3:16 says it all.

Merry CHRISTmas to all. Stay safe. Chaplain Mike.
ATTACK I get so tired of the attacks on here. As I was taught if you can't say something nice............
If you read something and don't like the content or spelling or just whatever stop reading and go on. You do not have to mouth off! Again for the 40th time I have said it theres nothing more adult than being a firefighter act like an adult.
MUST WATCH VIDEO both parts. Please
Thanks Mike, but your prayer will not be answered. Westphilly, maybe you could explain what was ignorant about it. I thought it was quite well informed. Experience tells me that prayers are not answered unless YOU do something, well YOU could have just done something and skipped the prayer. Besideds if someone wants to bring religion into the general discussion then it is my policy to give it to them with both barrels. So ka-blam to the prayers.
couldn't have said it any better... thanks CM


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