Hello Everyone, I was asked to come up with a set of guidelines to go by,for minimum attendence.I am looking for some ideas,what do you use?How many drills,meetings must you attend to stay (active) Thanks for any help you can offer.


                                                    Bob Costine

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Why would a department penalize someone who doesn't make enough business/corporate/monthly meetings? How is that relevant to putting out fires?
due to being volunteer, most of our firefighters are active on board, rental hall building and relief memberships. Our department doesnt penalize for missing meetings and rental cleanups but its frowned upon when only about 3 of us out of 30 active guys cleanup and help with fundraising. Its not relevant to the fire aspect of it but it has a indirect effect on our station when the other members choose not to help and plainly state they dont want to. I guess for that reason, many other stations penalize their members.
15% of calls/ or 36 shift hrs a month
30% of trainings/ plus maintianing hrs need for maintaining certs.
50% of business meetings


The reasons for the meeting requirements is. A) To be an active member of the department and to stay caught up on goings ons with the district; B) For pension reasons, if you do not meet the requirements then that year does not count towards your pension. After 10 years of service you are eligible for the base pension, at 20 yrs you get a bit more and so on. you cannot draw the pension until 55yrs old and any service after age 55 does not count towards pension.
Our minimum attendance guidelines are as follows: 50% of calls (your work schedule is taken into consideration), 50% of training sessions, 50% of meetings, and 50% of special events.
It is in our SOP's that you must attend 50% of fire calls, 50% of meetings, 50% of training sessions and 50% of special events. Your work schedule is taken into consideration.
Our department is a rural all-volunteer department. Members are required to have 36 hours of training according to the state fire marshall's office to be certified and rated for insurance. Our guidelines state that all members be required to attend 4 training meetings and 1 business meeting per quarter per year. All members must answer at least 10% of fire calls per month and all medical team members shall be required to answer 10% of all medical calls in addition to 10% of fire calls. All training hours are evaluated each month by the officers and any member with no training hours for the month will be contacted by the chief verbably. After 3 consecutive months, if the member still has not attended any training, they will be removed from the roster. Any exceptions must be approved by our board of directors. All probationary members must have all NFPA 1403 classes completed within a period of 2 years after joining the department, FF 1 must be completed within 3 years and FF II within 5 years of joining. They are also required to have completed Haz Mat Operations before they are allowed to respond to calls for mutual aid. They are also required to have a minimum of 3 hours driving time per unit, 4 hours of pump operations, and 5 emergency drives with an approved driver before they can drive emergency vehicles.
Based on what you wrote, a person could earn a "pension" based mostly on their ability/willingness to attend business meetings, a bit less of an effort making training, while making only 15% of calls. If I'm understanding these numbers correctly, your department considers showing up for meetings to be more important than being a firefighter?

I have to agree with you on the break down, and I would like to see the call precentage go up. Unfortunatly, I don't see that happening any time soon; my department has (like most) some things that could be improved.

My post was in resopnse to your question of why a department would penalize someone for not making business meetings. In that regard the penalty has more to do with your pension than anything else. I'm not saying that it is right, it is just what it is.

this is exactly what im looking into for our dept. im really glad that our dept isnt the only one haveing these problems and even happier im not the only one thinking about drawing these 'rules' up
We're a little more generous than some of these ones here. You have to make 6 straight meetings to get your radio the first time, then you have to make 1 meeting a month (we only have 2 a month). If you miss both, you must make them up before you're back in service. As we have a few guys that work away from home it's difficult to enforce penalties for us, but that's why we take the radio away until training is caught up again. We also must make 25% of all calls throughout the year. Must take our Vehicle Ex, Fire Fighter 1, Hoses and Fire Streams within the first two years (we only do each once a year)
Our main rule is that if you miss 3 meetings in a row, then you are considered non-active and are reviewed as to whether you are kept on the dept at all. We also have only 2 meetings a month. 1 is a regular business meeting and 1 is a training.

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