Ok you get issued a number when you join your department of course the chief is usually 101 asst. 102 and so forth 101-109 on our dept. is for officers  after that the numbers really dont matter. I noticed on other departments it may be different how does it work on yours? I am 116.

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We have names on our coats, but they're the same ones we had when we were hired.
countywide system
1st digits are dept number
last 2 = 01-06 officer
10-19 engine
20-29 tanker
30-39 grass fire
40-49 rescue
50-59 water source
60-69 air or special truck
70-99 personell
For our trucks the 1st 2 # are the dept #'s. So 23. The 3rd #'s depend on what type of Truck it is. Boats are 1. Grass trucks/support units are 2. Pumpers are 4 and 5. Tankers/Tenders are 6. 8 is ladder/quint. 9 is rescue.
We have 7 depts. in our county. Each station has a designated 3 digit call sign from 200-900 except for 500 & 600. For instance my dept. is designated as 700. Our Chief is 701 and the Assist Chief (that be me) is 702 after that it is pretty much we assign you a number from 703 on down. The Chief and Assit. Chief's original call number stays reserved untill we retire from our positions.
Our station is designated #21. So my number is 2108. The engine is 2131.
our parish is made up of 13 fire districts. every department starts off with there district number in front of apparatus numbers or personel number. so were district 11 my number for officer is 1105. 1101 is chief 1102 asst chief and so on. 11 is district. the second number is for personel or apparatus.
our tucks are
1101-1109 officer numbers
1112- 2nd rescue
1121- engine 1
1122- engine 2
1131- tender/pumper 1
1132- tender/pumper 2
1141- service or ladder company
1151- grass units
1161- for future use
1170-1199 for firefighters
We have a county wide numbering system, we have 15 depts on 1 freq. 1st # is dept identifier, 2nd # is apparatus type.
Officers are the only ones with true #’s and they are in the 90 series. Med units are 10’s, Engines 20’s, 40’s trucks, 60’s tenders, 70’s is for squads and 80’s are for brush. Each employee is given a number based on seniority but it is not used for identification on the radio. They “assume” the unit id plus a letter i.e 1222 (engine) A .
Officers are 90 thru 99 plus dept identifier in front i.e. my # is 1290. Hope that helps you out. Stay safe

With my dept if you are a captain or above you get a 100 number. Our Chief is 100, Asst. Chief is 101, Batt. Chief one is 102, Batt. Chief two is 103, and captains start at 104-110. Each firefighter gets a station number from their respective stations, I am with station 2 so I am 255. Each accountability tag is color coded to their station for instance station 2 is black so my accountability tag is black, labeled B.C.V.F.D 255. We use a cow tag system which I keep attached to the back of my helmet with the clip provided. Usually the pump operator gets the tag or if he is involved with firefighting ops due to lack of manpower we put it on the pump panel. We are allowed to go POV to the scene but we are not allowed to run lights or siren. Oh yea almost forgot the state of Kentucky issues you a state firefighter number to keep up with your training hours.
Each department in our county has numbers.
we are 600's. Trucks are 601,602, 604,605, & 606. Cheif is 600 I am now assist. I am 616
Station 13 So mine Is
My number is 840. our dept is 800, the 40 it Sta 4 LT, 800 is also our dispatcher, 801 chief, 802, asst chief, 803 capt, 804 capt/trainning officer, 10 20 30 40 50 are sta LTs, the sta ffs fall in behide the lts and axill. is 890s.
In one dept. I am in our unit numbers dont really matter. Mines 713 my chiefs is 715 and assit. chief is 721. In my other dept. units 301 to 310 is officers the rest dont matter....Mines 332


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