I'll start...


Weather forecasters!  When did they become rockstars?  When the weather is good they act like they created it and like we should be thanking them personally for the warm, sunny day!  When they are wrong which is 50% of the time they never mention their mistake.  I hate those bastards.

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well i can agree with most of heathers reasons, but as for marks.... not so much.

1. if you get charged 20% interst on $0 you pay 0 interest. spend what you can afford.
2. Late payment fees are a result of your own actions or lack of action
Grown ups who can't friggin spell!

They don't know the difference between "there" , "they're" and "their", or "your" and "you're". And let's not forget, "we're" , "were" and "where".

Any knucklehead with a High School diploma should know this stuff!!

Ahh, I feel better now, stay safe!
You forgot weather and whether. lol
Time and Thyme
Rap and crap.

No, there\their\they're isn't a difference.
There is a place where they're throwing away their tax dollars.
I was just listing the most frequent ones, but yeah, "whether" and "weather" are another good example. As for "time" amd "thyme", I don't run into those two being mixed up much, but then again, I don't really frequent cooking sites. lol
Cell phones. Unless you're a brain scientist or a rocket surgeon or something, there is NO ONE or NO THING so important that you have to talk to them while driving. Hang up and drive.

Good ol' boy bureacracies. Lots of GREAT ideas available to open minds.

The IRS. The most powerful criminal organization on earth, or at least second to the vatican.

I'll stop with the top 3...


this is a job were you can lie and won't be fired.
Chalk me up to the "or something" category. But then I am capable of driving and talking on the phone at the same time.

Agreed on the IRS and Vatican. lol


now if only that came with stock options
I forgot people who post a topic when there's already a dozen threads on the same topic!

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