First off I know this isnt in the correct section of the forum per se. But i would just appreciate some feedback.


Here is the case for me,

        The Dept. that i am trying to get into right now is a vol. dept. (no names being said) in New York State.  The Eligibility states: "The applicant must be in good academic standing at his/her school AT THE TIME of application and during period of membership as an apprentice firefighter. He/she must be passing all subjects while in the Apprentice Program. A failing grade (F) in any one subject is not acceptable and may resilt in suspension from the program."  That is the only thing stating anything about school.


        My question is, Should my application be on hold (like it is now) becasue im in a GED program THROUGH the school and is IN the high school. And they were saying once i get my diploma, i would not be able to continue untill i am 18. That is like saying if you graduated High School at 17 they would boot you also.  At this time I am currently fighting this becasue it does not seem right becasue it is the same as a HS diploma. Just looking for some feedback to what people think about this. 



                                                                                                              Benjamin A. Downs


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the difference is the jrs program
don't know about your state but here --as an employer-- I do not consider a GED the same as the High School diploma. Graduating High school "on schedule" is more than just about grades. When someone graduates with a high school diploma after 4 years it demonstrates responsibility, dedication, commitment. High School includes clubs, sports , and many other social activities that are often not part of a GED program. These activities are an essential part to living in the real world. How someone handles these in high school is an important look into how they will be later in life. lastly many kids I see that dropped out of high school and ended up with a GED was because they had issues with authority,discipline , and individualism. These are all small windows into ones character.

Having said all this I still would take a GED graduate over a drop out but I almost always prefer the HS graduate if they are under 22/23 yrs old. Once they are older there is usually a lot more you can evaluate them on.
lmao.. funny... new show, coming this fall.............. lol
these are the dept rules... too bad so sad... fight to get in? maybe but you'll be run out so fast it'll make your head spin. already a trouble maker and not even in yet? not a good plan. just wait. whats a year??
Ben, I understand what your saying and yes all of this seems very peculiar. You are falling into a gray area on your dept. SOG/SOP and by laws. I think you should be able to be a JR like you want and I think a lot of the other people that are posting this are missing that point. The reason that the GED falls into that gray area is if Im not mistaken this is just one test that you have to take to say you have the general knowledge needed to finish high school. A lot of schools that offer the GED program do not keep running grades as it is just a tutorial to get you to pass the GED. All I can say is good luck and I hope you are able to participate in the JR firefighter program so when you are able to join the dept. you have a leg up on some of the others.
the difference is the jrs program

Doesn't matter, it is THEIR jr program and they can establish the criteria however they want it.
One of the greatest qualities a new firefighter can have is humility. Keep your head down, keep your mouth shut and do your job. As you prove yourself you will begin to have more freedom and more responsibility.

I don't even know you and from what I have seen so far in your comments, I wouldn't hire you no matter what your age is. Without even being able to meet the requirements of a Jr. position your are arguing about them. And you are arguing with members on this form about why you should be on. Right now you are demonstrating that you are not someone that could be counted on to follow an order that you don't want to do when the chips are down.

The best thing that you could do in this situation is explain your side clearly to them and when you hear their decision, look them right square in the eye and say "Yes, sir, I understand, and will try again when I meet the requirements or when I turn 18." And then do just that. Wait. You will gain way more respect than if you fought it. Bottom line, they don't have to bring you on even if you do meet the requirements. And if you show an attitude right now, chances are you will never make it on.

Plus, as was mentioned before, airing dirty laundry on a public form was probably not the best choice.

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