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"That is the last time I use that new fick' n lawn fertilizer !"

But I have to ask ; where does he think he is steering to ?
What? You don't have men where you live?
Not dumb ones Heather.... ;-)
Does such a place really exist?

Utopia !!!
Come on over baby- I'll show ya'!!!!
notice you only see one side of the mower so you dont know whats going on the other side.
lol excellent point...
knowing your history... all hell could be breaking loose over there ;-)

I need a few good men...

I am packing my bags... pick me up at the airport !!!
Well, other than the proximity to power lines, the lack of a safety harness or hardhat, and the fact it looks like he's wearing flip-flops, plus the fact it takes a top crane operator to boom cable swing and tele at the same time to keep the trim flat all the way across, this looks like a great idea!

I would make sure I had the crane next to the hedge so it could just swing and make it nice and flat...

Oh, and I think that's a "boom truck" not an actual crane! :)
Well, ya see, no landscape company had the equipment to get that high, so me an Bubba figured......
Hey! Hold my beer and watch this.
Mate you've got to be kidding! I half expected this guy to have a VB and a Wallabies jersey!
sssshhhh!!!!!! Don't let Heather read that.....

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