I was wondering how people felt about recruits who are disabled going through academy?  What is your opinion on this?  We have a recruit with uses a handicap placard whenever he goes someplace, even to the station.  He is very overweight, I would like to say grossly.  I do not know the reason for his acceptance except maybe to satisfy a portion of the American with Disabilities Act.  That way no discrimination is show?  Or to prove a point that maybe he should not have joined?  I don't know the full reasoning so this is only my viewpoint. 


How do other stations handle applications from those with handicaps? 


I know that the three out stations that I drill with do not feel comfortable being on a call with this person cause if poop hit the fan we do not trust that he would be able to perform.  If he is on a call with me do I as a probie have the right to tell my commanding officer that I do not feel safe in this persons hands or trust his abilities?

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You have to remember that, in your specific case; that might BE the case, but in other departments where officer ranks aren't necessarily tied to experience/age, leadership qualities or a demonstrated record of good decision-making, it might be the kiss of death.
So, telling everyone to talk it over with their officers might not be the way to go.
Do what I do; I talk to the little guy in my head.
Really. Talk to your inner voice for guidance. Then, you will know what to do.
Lol, I wasn't looking at it that way its a really good point though. I am happy I have officers I can trust.
And How' s your little guy doing? lol
Not necessarily.
If you have policies in place and enforce them, then the likelihood that you will be dealing with sexual harassment or other discriminatory actions will be greatly diminished.
And remember; the joking and such is all well and good until someone takes it too far and someone else gets mad.
Oh; I would NEVER even THINK about suing my fire department!
That is; not until they give you a reason.
But, if you have done your due diligence, then it is unlikely that the litigator will prevail.
Where they win is when the powers that be decide that it is cheaper to pay them off than to fight it; a common occurrence and BIG mistake in my book.
But, it happens.
You can see how my little guy is doing by going to my profile. He is in several pictures, the little bahstid.
He likes to take credit for my blogging.
I call that "short sighted".
Check him out.
I am scared of ladders, but I have found that if I am in the course of my job I can set those fears aside and get my job done.... It is only after the job is done that I get sick. During drills it takes every ounce I have of control to not let it get to me.

Strange how that is.
It just goes to show that looks can be deceiving.
I think we all have a lot to learn.
What officers have to realize is that ADA, FMLA, PDA and other public acts and laws cannot be learned on the job. These are laws that you need to know before you are hit with a lawsuit.
It is wise that the officers are provided with the bullet points of every employment law that they will be dealing with. This is guidance that should come from the department's attorney. Most likely, unless employment law is his speciality, he will get the info from one of his colleagues.
Bottom line is that you don't want to learn about it from getting hit with a lawsuit.
If you would want to know how to vent a roof before you are sent to the roof, then you would want to know as an officer what are issues that may come up between employer and employee.
Oh and Patti; a fear of ladders is not covered under ADA. :-)
Sometimes I think it should be.... hehehe
Where I live, much of the training given to board trustees is in the legal arena; most in the employer/employee category.
Also; we are a 3 member board, but I have always regarded the Chief as the "FOURTH" trustee. He should definitely be integrated into that process.
Boards are funny. They think if the chief is talking to the attorney, it is because he is plotting an overthrow.
Trustees can be so paranoid.
A touchy bunch they are.
Read the ObamaCare Bill.
It just might be in there!
That's funny, I think.
I'll give you a good one....A neighboring Department actually had a person that was blind apply to join their Department...They sent a nice note explaining why they couldn't accept him and guess what....? They got a letter from a lawyer stating that if he weren't accepted that there would be a lawsuit filed under the Americans with Disability Act. I told them accept him...that's what you have a probationary period for...obviosly cannot take scene ops or FFI...both requirements for membership. But how stupid can people be...? Everyday the answer anazes me. LOL

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