I was wondering how people felt about recruits who are disabled going through academy?  What is your opinion on this?  We have a recruit with uses a handicap placard whenever he goes someplace, even to the station.  He is very overweight, I would like to say grossly.  I do not know the reason for his acceptance except maybe to satisfy a portion of the American with Disabilities Act.  That way no discrimination is show?  Or to prove a point that maybe he should not have joined?  I don't know the full reasoning so this is only my viewpoint. 


How do other stations handle applications from those with handicaps? 


I know that the three out stations that I drill with do not feel comfortable being on a call with this person cause if poop hit the fan we do not trust that he would be able to perform.  If he is on a call with me do I as a probie have the right to tell my commanding officer that I do not feel safe in this persons hands or trust his abilities?

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There was a FF on my department before I was hired with one hand. He was terminated because others didn't feel comfortable working with him. He sued and won because he passed the ability\agility tests that others could not pass.

This was before ADA was even thought of.
Great thats what is best
This might be rude to ask but do you have bunker gear?
I think its great you volunteer but as far you can see from my posts thus far, I am not supposed to have an opinion yet. lol JOKING
I am sorry I didnt mean to offend you or piss you off. And I am in the same situation as you, yes my fellow Firemen will joke with me and literally pick on me because I am female and because I am a probie, but I love it!

But not every department is lucky enough to have ladies like us who around for the right reasons and can take a joke!
You can't assume that every fire station has this problem. They is why you hire the right people who would best fit. If I can take it I can give it. The boys know that and expect that.
You are right I shouldn't assume every fire department has these problems but it is a possibility at any department.
It is a possibility with any job place.
Very true... even more so in such a relaxed setting.
Your wrong.
Tell that to all the people who have been sued for something they thought of as innocent actions or all the people who have had to deal with sexual harrassment.
Quit assuming that it has anything to do with relaxed settings.
Ok I am not saying it cant happen else where.
as many as 85% of women firefighters have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work or as volunteers.
Women in non-traditional jobs, who are often subjected to strong pressure to "go along to get along," and to fit in and be "one of the guys," often lack support in trying to stop workplace harassment. Women firefighters may come to believe that harassment is what they have to expect as a newcomer or minority in a male-dominated workplace.
fire chief is therefore on shaky ground if he or she believes the department to be free of sexual harassment simply because no one has reported it.

These are all different article about harassment in fire departments. It happens, maybe not to you but it happens. Maybe to certain extent some women who are in the departments for the wrong reasons kind of have it coming. And yes I'd say some people are way to sensitive, but the option for anyone to turn around claim he treats me different cause I am a woman is there.
On a different note one of the articles also states:
Compliments that are welcomed, attention that is mutually desired, and truly friendly jokes and teasing do not leave either participant feeling uneasy or intimidated. Sexual harassment does.

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