i want to ask, what can we do if oil tank-truck is fire? there are full oil in the tank.

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Mate unless you have specialised equipment capable of producing a lot of class B (hydrocarbons) foam, your best bet is to evacuate everyone nearby, protect exposures as best you can, and try to prevent the product from entering local waterways.

My old foam unit encountered some small scale oil-fires and it's hard to appreciate the amount of heat and energy contained therein. For a group of guys that have scratched together equipment and training, you'll need to do your best to cut your losses and not get anyone killed. No one here will doubt your valour or dedication to duty, but doing the wrong thing (like spraying water at flaming hot oil) could create an even worse situation.

Here's a small scale look at what happens what water hits oil that's hotter than 100C.

Call out the regional Haz-Mat response and set up barriers for any run off and blast it like crazy with class B foam from a couple of ground monitors....Or evac everyone near by and stay as clear as possible
WEW! not for joke...
thanks for your opinion.

i mean, how can we do, if we in duty there?
If you have an airport close by, you may be able to use those capabilities.

It also depends on how much and what exactly is on fire. I mean the cab itself along with the fuel tanks could be on fire and not the actual product itself, which can change the approach to extinguishing the fire.
Fran, Vic is right clear the area and let it burn out is about the only thing you can do.
The fire department next to ours had a large propane truck fire back in March. We were called for aid but did nothing but traffic control. WOW what an explosion I doubt I will see one that big in my lifetime again. They were a well equiped and well trained department there action was to clear the area and let it burn out.
I know you have told me you don't get much formal training where you are from. So you must learn some fires are best to let burn themsevles out. Protect exposures with moniters from a distance. Remember life comes before property always.
We had a fire in a 5,000 gallon gasoline tank truck. It was hit by a car and ripped open. We attacked it with a preconnected 1 3/4 line that has Class "A" foam injected into it. The fire went our imediatly. Very quick knockdown. I know this is not the intended use of this foam but it worked. We had flowing gasoline comming out of the hole, the foam put out the fire in the tanker and on the street. Please let me know if you do not understand any of the terms.

Fran, I don't believe that you have either the resources or appropriate PPE to mitigate this type of incident. You have no other choice here than going defensive. just make sure that you clear the area from other hazards, e.g. exposure problems from radiant heat. Unless your "gas tanker" was built in the 50 years ago, chances are pretty good that it was constructed using aluminum. I'm totally guessing here because your part of the world may or may not have these newer anti-spark aluminum made tanker vehicles. In the USA all gasoline tankers are constructed this way to prevent sparks from igniting fires. Bottom line here is too just let the fuel burn out and NOT putting yourself or the public in harms way. A good way to simulate a tanker fire is to use a styrofoam cup and fill it with water. Set the styrofoam on fire above the water line and watch is slowly burn down... this is no different than a gasoline tanker fire. The product eventually burns away and you are left with a open shell of melted metal, and hopefully, everyone goes home.

thank for all for the explanning.

Vic silverfish; john; john crabble; john dobson; gregory borg; mike schlags = Do you know, we in here is more untrained (i explain for my foundation, there are many fire group in my city), we no PPE, no SCBA.

some years ago, fire call in early evening. two (2) tank-truck burning fires. 1 truck with gasoline and the other with diesel fuel. we don't have foam and i never see it and how to use it. we just have fire-truck with water.

firefighter shoot bottom side of tank with water. after that, two (2) of my friends going on the truck, and they shoot tank door, explosion is happen. 2 friend in top of tank astounding and they fallen jump fast for safe theyself.

we just have water, and some cases we mixed water by soap powder. for this condition what much we do?
thanks bobby

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