Hey everyone i am kinda new to a blog, but i wanted to know why firefighters have a high divorce rate? i know this is not what people like to talk about but i am from a family who has become divorced and i dont what my future family to be like that so thats why i am asking this question. i am really interesed in honesty please let me know. oh yes, i have been with a firefighter for over five years.

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Hey Wade,
I appologise to you. I maybe should have included a name with my response. I was actually responding to Austin, then just kept going. I liked and agreed with your response earlier. Then as I was responding to Austin, I just happened to go on about the holiday issue. But really, I agree with planning ahead of holidays, but Santa, or who ever, only comes one night. He doesn't take delivery requests as far as I know.
I dont believe it is becaus of being a firefighter. I have been a firefighter for 5 years and married for 6. My wife knew what she was getting into before we got married. I believe some women cant handle the unknown. Maybe you could sit down with your next girlfriend/wife and tell her what she is getting into before hand.
my wife has started understanding that when the tones go off im going. At first it was kind of hard for her to understand.
Many of us bring the stress we endure on the job home with us. That then creates stress in a relationship. It's difficult to do, but the way to avoid that is to work hard at leaving that stress at the station.
working away from home for 24 hrs causes some problems but don't worry, cops are worse!
I have been in the fire service for 13 years. Married for almost 18 years. We have adjusted to the point that now my wife is on the dept. and works for the ambulance service. I have had to adjust to that but if you take the time to talk about it and dealing with the feelings and emotions it is a great life. As a volunteer our dept is like a big extended family. Wives and kids are include in everything that we can get them to save calls and trainings.
OOO i just wish i could hug you for this comment lol... Cops=Bad News!!!
I know it is off topic, but your reply here reminded me of one of our school visits during fire prevention week. A few of the kids made a comment that because of the blue shirts and badges that we were not FF's but were Cops to which our Vol. Chief replied jokingly, "no we're not, we're the good guys!!!" That got a pretty good chuckle.
I am with Wade on this one. In my years as a Vol.Firefighter I could have said Not this run; but what if everyone else did the same. I had a 40 hr/wk job that I had to be on call some nights and evenings as a back up. When a run came with the fire dept there were times I left the table at a holiday meal. Once at my parents home my Dad made a remark about this being a Family day why did I have to spoil it by taking off when the pager went off, I should turn it off for today. I reminded him that if everyone thought that way, nobody would respond and that the person whose home was on fire was having a worse holiday then he was. Then I responded. I was on a small rural dept that had a limited EMS crew. and When available I responded since I didn't know if anyone else would be available; esp. on mva's and Codes. On top responding on Runs for nearly 10 yrs I was an offficer and for 2 yrs before that was given the job of taking care of fire reports and run sheets because I had the training and the officer in that position refused to do them. We also had officer meetings, Disciplinary actions, downned trucks to get fixed (sometimes taking them an hour away to the dealer for repair{2hrs round trip}), O2 tanks and Air bottles to be filled or replaced (another 2 hr round trip). As I say I am with Wade, to active volunteers the Volunteer Fire Dept is sometimes a full time second job. .
even though vff's have a choice, we all know which one we make. its alway 'LOVE YOU HONEY, BE RIGHT BACK"..
my wife and kids are the backbone of my duty. they are very supportive, understanding, and have seen their fair share of dadys gotta run..
my chief is great and after my orientation said now go tell this to your family and see what they say. explaining to them its not just me joining the department, its all of us and so forth..
missed some b-days and left fishing trips,dinners,ect.. but just hearing the pride in them saying "this is my dad/husband, hes a firefighter" has a reward in its self. i know they dont mind the time away, and when we are together we enjoy every minite with each other.
this month they said they feel spoiled. only 12 runs so far ( rare here ). through all this my greatest reward can only be setting an exxample for my boys to follow, that compasion, community, giving, and helping is a priceless joy..
Cap - Incendiary, insulting and inaccurate. Well done!
Is it really that high? I think the divorce rate in the US is around 45%, is it that much worse for fireys? I did a whip round the web and could not find any stats.

If you're just playing the numbers, move to Massachusetts - lowest divorce rate in the US. I don't think your state or avocation have any impact on YOUR relationship.

Alternatively, you could skip the pain and heartache and just find a woman you hate and buy her a house!

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