Hey all...Just thought I would shout and see if anyone is really out there.....The "discussions" here lately are about as interesting and stimulating as a colonoscopy.....There must be someone out there with something useful to discuss.....PLEASE.....!!!!    LOL

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You may be alive but Have you lived ? That's the real question.
sorry to say but it is a case of "You can't get there from here" the two are NOT related . LOL Are you sure it was the scope that the Doctor inserted.....? In some States you and the Doctor are now considered to be legally married. Did the Doctor at least but you dinner afterwards ? LOL
Yes - Paul - MJ makes an interesting point (but don't tell him)

Woohoo I did something good!!!!!
I had no use for Winnie the pooh. To me, the only thing good was Tigger and Eore.

Ok, so can you explain HOW "S3T" means save the ta ta's. Couldn't it also mean save the tater tots? Who comes up with this and how does it get recognized nationally?

I think you're making that stuff up, Heather.
"2T4E"..does that mean anything?
Really, though, are any of us REALLY alive? Are we really here? Or are we all just figments of our own imagination?
Of course, I make this stuff up
- - - but you can not deny my certain level of logic - - -
there is a theory that there is NO original thought - someone somewhere already thought of it

text words - since they are not pre-extisting words - the main theme of texting words is literal sounds or to reflect a meaning
(such as a smother - is a mother that is smothering; or SK8 = skate)
or the first letter of each representative word, such as my favorite ROTFLMAO = R-olling O-n T-he F-loor L-aughing M-y A-ss O-ff

and there is some confusion about the term LOL - since some think it means L-ots O-f L-ove; while others think L-aughing O-ut L-oud making people take the content of the conversation into consideration;
much like people have to figure out how the word ASS is being used either to describe an animal, a hynee, or a bad behavior

TIGGER is the ONE that said TTFN - so you need more Tigger in your life - I think it is still on the kids network channels on tv ;-)

S-ave T-he T-a T-as
(see the 3 T's) [like 3M Co. abbreviated their name]

Because the BIG C = cancer, a big C would be used
and because Ta Ta's is a cute risky term, it would be kept
the 4 = F-or

Thus S3T 4TataC

How is it recognized nationally - like any word - the first time you hear it you ask the meaning - then you use it from their forward. Shorter phrases are earlier to remember - think KFC and FedEx.
Just like my Peace Sign picture on the other page - once you learned that SIGN - you new it for life.
I appreciate your efforts to help learn and invent a new language - your efforts have not gone un-noticed :-)

[ickee now I am starting to sound like those on here that beat people into English grammar submission ;-)]
okk first of all.... i'd like to know why all the married ppl are not getting any..... i dont understand why this is such a phenomenon... were i married......lets just say things would not change. i find it so odd.....
also my hall is not aircraft fire supression trained.. (i guess we'd just put some wet stuff on the red stuff...:) but we were looking into it. good point. i had almost forgotten. i will bring it up again. :) I'm sure they are annoyed with all my "bringing up" but such is the nature of ME.
and the 2 are related... appendix and colon.... the appendix is at the bottom of your ascending large intestine where your colon is at the bottom of your descending large intestine... it is a long way to go though... for me? just cut me open pls :) then i'd have a cool scar and not a creepy ass story... hehe
I am well aware of where it is...my comment was that they don't perforate the colon to get at the appendix....most of the time they do it now with a scope so there is only a small scar in your lower abdomen
well i've got the cool scar...a little larger then i wanted, but beggers can't be choosers (or however that goes) and the creepy ass story too! lol
Do you know what the function of the appendix is (was).....? It is thought to have been functional when humans used to eat grass......
Lots of new activity lately on FFN to stimulate your bored state.
Are you feeling pleased yet?

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