Hey all...Just thought I would shout and see if anyone is really out there.....The "discussions" here lately are about as interesting and stimulating as a colonoscopy.....There must be someone out there with something useful to discuss.....PLEASE.....!!!!    LOL

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I've missed you dust...

I missed you too cupcake!
ya know it...

;-) Devil's Food Cupcake
So I'm not one for the forum comments, only when i feel it necessary, and right now, as i sit here laughing at all the "colourful" comments left here about colonoscopies and what not, it reminds me of my experience with the aformentioned colonoscopy I once experienced, which came about cause of my very severe case of appendicitis, which i never had any side affects, only the day it happened, and was about the size of your fist..I was left in the hospital for 5 days, of which one of those days was my birthday.....and left me with a scar about 7-8 inches long...I KNOW FUN EH?!?!?! and then the colonoscopy was ordered.....i don't remember much, only the mild sedative they gave me was very "interesting" and the after affects could clear a room in mere seconds!......so yea.....uhhhhhhh?? if that's not interesting the i don't know what is....
Could it be possible that people are now afraid of posting something they want to discuss because it has "already been discussed" before? And that when someone brings up a topic, they are immediately directed to the search bar?

Such issues are not limited to this site, this happens on any number of sites. It is one thing to revive and old thread, because it does show that one can do some research, vs posting the same old topic over and over. There is also an issue when it comes to redundant questions where one could do a little research and find the answers rather than asking others to "spoon feed" it....goes towards initiative.

However, there are plenty of things to discuss, this site puts up articles all the time which can get comments, whereas other sites, the topic is usually up to the OP. There are several discussion which do get heated and do turn into several hunderd post threads, but then again many times it is because people come in and say the same thing which has been discussed before. (for instance I just responded to a person on the "Jr's leaving school" thread......had the person actually read the responses against the issue, they probably wouldn't feel compelled to tout how they do respond).

Then there are the "safe" threads, which really do start to get old, like the helmet colors, the PPE colors etc. Again, no reason one couldn't revive an old thread vs starting new ones, but is it just the person is scared to debate? Are they afraid of being told they're wrong? Who knows? It is easy to start such a "safe" topic to avoid disagreements.....although most threads take on a life of their own too.

a close second being that the "intellectuals" have become tired of the mindless menial rantings of texters and color-happy up-and-comers.

I could concur with the texting issues, because I have mentioned it numerous times as well. It is one thing for someone (child usually) who wants to learn etc, but yet argues against something as basic as using proper English. There have been enough foreign FF's from outside the U.S. who have used better English and grammar than the people who do live here. To me, that does say something about a person too lazy to use basic writing skills.

As with any site, the topics grow old and stale, conversations ebb and then there will be something to spark them again. It's a circle, no corners, it's a circle.
I admit that I had to google ttfn. Interesting you say that, being it's breast cancer awareness month. ( you know,,,,save the ta ta's )

Glad you were entertained by our random banter... that is really all that is important in life...

AND someone should have told your doctor there is a shorter route to your appendix than through your colon !
not really entertained...more, how do you say...inconvenienced???? yea well i guess by the size of my apendix when they started to cut me open, would of been easier to go in through my colon! seriously it was like 5x it's normal size....well that's what they tell me, i never actually seen the thing....not like i wanted to...
ROTFLMAO - Googled TTFN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on - no winnie the pooh in your life as a kid :-( how sad...

and Save The Ta Ta's - in text would be S3T

and if you wanted Save The Ta Ta's For Breast Cancer Awareness - in text it would be S3T 4TaTaC

and then I say - smart doctor for finding the best route possible !!!
and may I just say OUCH !!!

(i meant glad you were entertained by Paul... and the others... not your emergency surgery... sorry to be confusing)
Excellent response
I have to agree with pretty much everything you say, which doesn't seem right. I also didn't realise it was acceptable to revive old posts. I've seen some negativity towards bringing a post "back from the dead". And I've also seen gratitude for the same thing. I have actually revived a couple myself, and with positive outcomes, but was still unsure if it was acceptable. If that's the case, There's some good reading and reasonable threads to possibly bring back to complete the circle, or start a new one.
Thanks John.
Bring it up and see how many Departments have ARFF training (Airport Rescuse and Firefighting) Took the course....more to it than you think

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