i was wondering if anyone has gone through a recruit class over the past 2 years and if so if they have any oppions or have any advice or cadences that they would like to share i would greatly appreciate it becuase i am going through a recruit class right now well i appreciate any hel

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Honestly, just work hard at it. Constantly have a rope in your hands if you are standing around. Knots are one of the biggies to learn and remember. Also, just take what your instructors say to heart. They have been there and done that. Other than that, just learn, have fun, and above all else, stay safe.
thank you for your replies i appreciate it and that is what BRT stands for the never told us lol but i do appreciate the help.
While you are in recruit class, recruit class comes first. Make sure the people in your life are aware of this and are supportive of this fact. It is 12 weeks (or whatever the length is) of your life at the beginning of a long and hopefully happy and successful career, do it justice and work hard. Yes sir, no sir goes a long way (male or female instructors), and if you have a story to share, DON'T! Help those around you who need it, and ask when you need it. Be a good recruit and carry that with you on to the floor and throughout your career.
Let the new class of firefighters BE a new class of firefighters. And by that I mean, respect those before you, respect those after you and always try to make those around you better than yourself.
Best of luck!
Pay attention to detail (including the spelling) work hard, study hard, work hard, practice whenever you can, work hard,listen closely, work hard,show up at least 15-30 minutes EARLY for everything, work hard......did I mention working hard...?
thats like in EMS......ABC means "Ambulance be comim' "
Mouth closed and ears open. If you dont understand something, ask! Like the saying goes, there are no stupid questions. Good Luck. Oh yea, one more thing. NEVER stand around and watch other people work, everything we do, we do as a team!!
I was in one not to long ago! It is alot of work but in the end it is SO worth it... Keep your head in the book and take notes in class, get to know a couple people and get a study group going!... listen to your instructor! Make sure you hydrate on the work days... they are all right on the standing around... DON'T DO IT! and Go Drills... put your gear back the same way EVERY time and know where it is at all times, even when its in your car... know it... thats where they got us, we would have our stuff put away and they would say go... if ya ever have any questions ask, Ill always be willing to help ya out
Try to soak up as much info from your instructors, If you read your book for an hour a night you won't have any problems passing your chapter test. Try and find out what your state may focus on for the test and spend some extra time learning it. In my state Hazmat was half the test. The rope thing is very true, knots will be something you always use in the fire service. Don't stand out for anything other than good reasons, firefighters can be as bad as high school girls when it comes to gossip and if you earn a "name" for yourself or your academy class gets a bad reputation it will come back and bite you in the ass. If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a message.

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