How does your department, county, district etc... Handle mutual aid.  My county just initiated MABAS system as are mutaul aid.  So my  department and two other departments are automatically paged on all structure fires within are juristiction.  If any more aid is needed then we initiate MABAS for any other help needed.

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We have mutual aid agreement with sevral surrounding jurisdictions. Since we have a countywide dispatch center, they are often on top of things before mutual aid is even requested. We also have a county-wide hazmat team. Things generally run pretty smoothly, unless one of the mutual aid departments tries to take over the call!
The two departments in our municipality amalgamated last year. Since then, both stations run to all calls. If we need mutual aid, there are 7 more departments in our district that we can call on directly. Some departments have specialty teams...GSAR, Water Rescue, Hazmat, etc.

If we come across an incident that we still need more resources, we can call on the Provincial Office of the Fire Commissioner. They can bring in provincial resources, or also resources from neighbouring mutual aid districts.

We have a county wide mutual aid plan. Each department has preplanned "run cards" in the CAD system at dispatch. Some departments use automatic mutual aid on their 1st alarms. These are departments with small membership or only a couple pieces of apparatus. All have other departments listed on 2nd, 3rd, etc alarms... so command just needs to say give me a 2nd alarm, and the dispatcher knows who to send. If they need specific units, they say that... and since there is already the county wide agreement, they are dispatched.

This goes for EMS/ambulance as well.

Since our county wide dispatch center does all 33 fire departments (paid & volunteer), all 9 police departments and all but 2 of the 12 ambulance squads, it is very easy to do.
Your county plan is pretty much the same as MABAS. We call for a box at which ever level we will need for resources. The dispatch center has a book with all are presetup cards, when we initiate the box they just pull the card and page whatever units fall into that box.
we have agreements with sevral departments. if we need them our dispatch can call for us. it works really good. infact almost all surrounding jurisdictions went to the same radio system in there trucks.
Our county has a grid system. Each department sets up alarms for each grid. Most structure fires are dual dispatch, so you have a second department coming. Then if you need more help you ask the county to give you your second alarm, or the OIC can request specific equipment from mutial aid departments.
Like most we have a statewide agreement and of course agreement with surrounding counties all we or they have to is call disptach tell what they want and we roll

Our county works with Mutual Aid and Automatic Aid.  The agency that I volunteer for right now and work full time for next week has 95% of the county, Amador Fire Protection District.  All the rest of the depts. are city or districts.  But we only have stations in two areas.  The rest is covered by the different citys or districts.  Our Automatic aid works by them calling out the closest station by road speeds.


Fire's get dispatched with auto. aid and anymore we turn to mutual aid and request more resources.


We have the air unit for the county and it gets dispatched to every fire through auto aid.


We also have mutual aid with both of our neighboring counties.  If there is a medical or accident just over the county line or their station is farther than ours is to the call we get dispatched as well as them. 


The system that we have works really well and we have never had any problems with it.

same here, also we have the tribal guys who sometimes just show up and say were here if ya need us, they r great.
We are supposed to have automatic mutual aid on structure fires. Most of the time it depends on which dispatcher is on the console. If we know we have a working fire and mutual aid wasn't toned out, the officer on the engine will request what ever we need enroute.

Usually we have to request help enroute because the dispatchers apparently don't see that info on the CAD. We have to occasionally remind them that part of I-20 has been our district for 5 years. That's the problem of law enforcement dispatchers doing fire and EMS. It's not their primary function.
we run mutual aid with a small town like us right accross the road from us and we run mutual aid with 2 other towns one is about 5 miles away and onother is about 10 miles away we as a dept like to work with other depts we always call another dept when we show up on scene. its always a smart move to have to many firefighters on scene than not enough just remember that...


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