Here's another story of a homeowner who didn't pay the subscription fee for fire protection, believing that, if he had a fire, the fire department would come anyway.

He was wrong.

This follows the same line of thinking of districts who shut down their departments, believing that, if they needed fire protection, they could rely on mutual aid.

What is wrong with that thinking?

Read the story from Tennessee:



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You've confused hyperbole with reality.

Dude, you did not just reccomend "Liberal Fascism."  Any credibilty you had just flew out the window with that. 


As one of the few people on this board living in a 'socialist' country, I think you have a misguided picture of the way the rest of the western world works.  It isn't all sunshine and unicorns, but it's rather misleading to point out countries like Greece (chroinically poor and wracked by civil war for most of it's modern history), China and Cuba (both communist, not socialist), and Spain (which got slammed by a housing bubble just like the US - before that it was one of the strongest economies in Europe).


I notice you have not included Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Holland, Sweden, Poland, Norway, etc.  Now why is that?


Daniel, no one here is espousing that "vision" and your insistance on repeating it is echolalic repetition of a Straw Man logical fallacy.


You've actually combined the Straw Man with another logical fallacy type - you're also creating a False Dilemma.  There are many other options between the extremes you describe.  That includes the subscription service in Obion County.  The fact that you describe two extremes and discuss them as if they are the only two options is a classic False Dilemma.


And your last sentence is a really disturbing double entendre'.

Regan Republican?  Today, that makes you a blue-dog Democrat.

That's patent B.S., Daniel.


The citizens of Obion County don't have a problem.  ONE homeowner who intentionally refused to pay a fee that he admitted he could afford is the only reason we're discussing this.


The third and fourth-largest Tennessee counties - Knox and Hamilton - have fire departments that are funded at least partially by subscriptions adjoining the city limits of Knoxville and Chattanooga.  It shouldn't be surprising that a small county like Obion County does the same.


And Daniel, it's a simple economic decision - they locals pay for the level of fire protection that they can afford.


The supposed high costs of low taxes pale in comparison to the astronomical costs of high taxes.



That and Youtube.

Exactly.  That also shreds Daniel's argument about Socialism vs. Libertarianism.


The subscriptions are actually a collective way to obtain fire protection.

In other words, Obion County's subscription fire service is actually a co-op.

And if you are really a socialist, then you need to start taxing yourself and sending the money to Obion County so that they can have that socialized fire department that you so ardently believe they need.


Ok now you're just being silly.  Socialism is not the same a charity.  The theory of socialism is community goods can be procured more efficiently through group (or social) efforts than they can by the individual.   Obvious examples of this would be things like roads or municipal water.  You can argue where it becomes less efficient and should be market based (health care, fire protection, schools, farm subsidies) but calling anything you disagree with "socialism" cheapens your argument.



That's not accurate.  I'm just asking Daniel to consider himself part of that big, socialist community that he advocates to provide the same level of service he has out there on the Left Coast to those poor unfortunates in Obion County.


That's not charity at all.  It's just bowing to Daniel's wish for a wider, more compassionate community.


Funny, the desire for a big, wide, socialist community stops as soon as the fans of socialism have to start paying for it with their own money instead of someone else's cash.


BTW, the way Obion County provides fire protection nis actually almost the opposite of the extreme individualism that Daniel claims it is.  They really have a privately-funded co-op.  They pool $75 each to as a funding pool then simply outsource the service provision.  


A lot of farm co-ops work the same way - the farmers don't actually operate the co-op grain storage, the seed and fertilizer store, the scales, or the delivery trucks.  They just pay a subscription fee to have someone else provide those services for them.

No...we just hate people who misspell and talk  crap about our goevernment...err...GOVERNMENT...LOL

Your facts are true, but why has this friendly little department in TN allowed a homeowner to pay AFTER responding to an incident...but they said no to this guy? Seems to me, once you make an exception, and the community're in big trouble.


As a matter of fact, why not enact a fee-response, sending  a bill to a non-paying homeowner...say $ it at least insures the service is taken care of, and a home doesn't burn to the ground? Just sayin.

Seems to me that they HAD a duty to act, based on past practices of allowing homeowners to pay after a response. The community knew that, and I bet there's a legal president waiting for a trial...LOL 

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