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10 to 12 hours at a refinery fire in '95.Almost that long at a couple wildland fires over the years.
Wow!I thought trying to use a spanner was hard.Did a couple stand-bys for a dog show a couple times.Almost that bad,but not quite.
Three days, the Detroit riots in 1967
6 hours for a chemical suicide/Hazmat.
14+ hours on a gasoline tanker rollover. The initial accident was a little after 2300 and it was leaking it's payload into the ditch along the roadway and down a hill toward a creek that feeds directly into Lake Erie (one of the Great Lakes between the US and Canada for those that don't know the region.) We established a good containment dam and then a second one further down the hill just in case, shut down the road. No residences in the area. Made for a LONG night of sitting around, watching crews apply foam over the spill, and waiting for the trucking company crew to clean up their mess.
You ain't seen nothing until you watch a guy in plain clothes go on top of a gasoline tanker and DRILL into it to suck out the flammables. We all figured he was using something that wouldn't create sparks.
Meth lab 12 hrs

Mulch fire 11 hrs

hay fire 16 hrs

firefighting priceless
Prison riot 2 years ago. Waited 2 hours to get in for first attack then defensive attacks for the next 8 hrs.
Storm and Flood aprox. 15h
Fire 5h ( it was a pig-farm)
floating LPG tank after strong rain and thaw 16h

MVA - 7hrs. (this one was a tripple fatility with 90 gals. of fuel spilled)

Structure Fire - 12 hrs. (400,000 square ft. building, Americraft.  Came back to pull 2 10 hr. shifts trying to extuinguish the sawdust hopper the following days.)

Wildland Fire - 17days. (2008 in the Feather River Canyon)

Medical Aid - 2hrs. (This had a 40min. response time.  Way out in the mountains.  Then we had to wait for the amb.)


9 hrs house fire

15+ wildland assist

MVA/MVC = 8 1/2 Hrs.

Fires = 4 1/2

Medical = 3 1/2

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