Was anyone aware that the firefighter and the volunteers the worked at ground zero are dieing for cancer and other stomach and respatory problems and the government is not doing a fucking thing about it!!! what can we do??????

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THANK YOU VIC, that's what im trying to say to say just a little side note greg i have talked to a 9/11 firefighter and this is what he told me and before meeting this hero i was under the impression that they were being taken care off..... brother!!!
Well then Brother, pay attention. There is no need to get worked up. If you can't take a little ribbing you are in the wrong business. We are all wrong or uninformed from time to time. This was your time, no big deal, I don't hate you I just had some extra shit to dish and you looked like a likley suspect. Put on your big girl panites!
well im just speaking my mind and i think it is shitty that the people who did the work at ground zero are being cast aside and pushed in the dark and you can say what you want opinions are like assholes everyone has got one and you need to pull the thong out of your ass because i got my"big girl panties" on greg
Thank you for the imagery. (shudder)

OK kids, don't make me separate you. We're all in agreement here.

Quinton, the frustration you are seeing is from people like Gregory, Jack and my self is from how woefully misinformed most Americans are about basic politics. The posts on FFN when the original bill was struck down back in July primarily blamed the Democrats - which if you read the vote tally I posted you can see is completely backwards. We're getting way off the topic of fire/rescue/EMS, but I'll shoot you some more examples -

1) Who was the President that signed TARP (commonly known as the "bank bail out")?

2) Of TARP - how much did the part that bailed out the banks cost the US Taxpayer?

3) True or false: Iran, (pre-2003 invasion) Iraq, and the guy building a mosque at Park51 all support al Qaeda?

I'll post answers in another post.
1) George W. Bush signed TARP, it was proposed and supported by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress in September of 2008. It was also supported by the Sec. of Treasury and Chairman of the Federal Reserve (both Bush appointees). Here's a vote tally http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/09/29/business/20080929-CON...

2) Nothing! The banks are on track to pay back their TARP money, plus $7billion in interest. We are still waiting to see how much the automotive bail-out (also part of tarp) costs us.

3) FALSE - Iran is Shia, al Qaeda is Sunni. These sects have been at war since the days of Mohammed.

Iraq was ruled by the despotic, but secular Baath party. Bin Laden routinely called out secular regimes as enemies of Islam. He offered to supply fighters to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait in 1992, but was rebuffed.

The dude who wants to build at Park51 is a Sufi Moslem. Again, they are routinely targeted by al Qaeda terrorists for their beliefs (example - http://www.speroforum.com/a/35935/Pakistan---Lahore-Church-in-suppo...)
Thank you Quinton, that is an ugly picture, espeially if you could see me, the thought of a thong is well, ugly. I was like wise stating my opinion. It is appauling how injured Firefighters and soldiers for that mater, are treated. It happens in cities and town all over America. It is up to the union (IAFF) and all firefighters, volunteers as well, to work with our legislators to make that happen. That is happening in many cases, but it sometimes falls far short of the mark. Then we have to pic it up again. Vic is right, political action is the answer. So step up and do what you can. I have done my part by being involved in politics for the benefit of firefighters for over 30 years. Union president, Washington State Council Of Firefighter District (political) Rep, 25 years of making trips to Olympia to support and improve FF lives and safety. Pension Board, Political Action Committee, run campaigns for candidates that support FF issues. I have writen and rewriten the Washington Firefighter Saftey Standard 5 times since 1983. I have donated many thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to FF friendly politicians. I have been to the District of Columbia 5 times to lobby in favor of FF safety, health, pension and collective bargaining issues.
So Quinton, I know what I am talking about, I do take care of my firefighter Brothers and Sisters, and I have put my money and time where my mouth is. I like your spirit, put it to work doing something. Also, don't get upset when someone gives you some shit, never let them see you sweat. Be safe, Brother Lejeune.
Vic, the problem is that the terrorists who practice Islam have made it difficult to tell the difference between them and other Muslims. The Muslims that are outwardly peaceful but who offer money or other support make it even more difficult to tell the difference.

Yet, somehow, the onus to tell the difference is on the people who know the least about it rather than on those who know the most about it. Sorry, I don't buy that.
Vic wrote, Iraq was ruled by the despotic

I was about to reply so was the USA, but then realised I misread the word- I thought it said dickhead.

That is funny ans so true, he was and cluless too.
I'm not quite sure I understand you here. Are you saying that the actions of any member of a religion are the responsibility of all of it's members? (Catholic paedophilia scandals, abortion violence, Timothy McVeigh) or are you saying that if you can't be bothered to understand the basics of a religion with over a billion members, it's their problem, not yours.

Not recognising the different sects within Islam is essentially the same as declaring war on the Mormons, so you invade the Vatican. They are both Christian, and I can't see the difference!
Democracies get the government they deserve!

BTW - if someone could explain to me what the hell just happened in the Australian election (preferably after I've had a few) I would appreciate it.
No,Vic,I'm not saying that and you know damn well I'm not. I specifically referred to being able to tell the difference between members of a religion that practice terrorism and those who do not. When the terroristic ones intentionally blur the diffeerences and hide among the non-terroristic ones while blending in with them, then it is the responsibility of the non-terroristic ones to explain how we can tell the difference.

And Vic, what sect of Islam is Al Queada? Last time I checked, they weren't an Islamic sect, they were a terrorist group that happened to practice an extreme form of Islam, and that hides among other Muslims.

Your Mormon/Vatican analogy is backwards, since the US didn't declare war on Islam or any of its sects.

On the other hand, if your analogies are accurate, then it's OK for a few Christians to plan terrorism against members of other religions, conduct wars of conquest by any means available, and to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else...you know, like the stated aims of Islam and the actions of a few of its members.

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