ABC Television's "Jimmy Kimmel Show" and their 09-14-10 video asking the public to kick a "Hero" in the nuts... Really?

If any of you are wondering whether your jobs are safe, please note how the media depicts you, and for those who think Rescue Me is an acceptable show, please consider what is really lost when you allow someone to loose respect for you. This video clearly shows that to be true. What a sad day for emergency services, and just days after the 9-11 anniversary. Looks like some people did forget...

I don't know how other feel, but for me personally, I am outraged and deeply offended.

09-17-2010 Update: The following email was sent directly to the Jimmy Kimmel Show.

What were you thinking?

On the 09-14-2010 Jimmy Kimmel show, a skit entitled, "Kick a Hero In the Nuts" was shown. I am enraged that this type of satire would be allowed, especially considering it was only three days after
the 9-11 anniversary. The additional use of military people and the direction
to "kick hero's in the nuts" was incredibly insensitive toward
families and coworkers who have lost someone special in their lives. If your
goal was to denigrate law enforcement, firefighters and military personnel,
then you were successful. My only question is why? I find it hard to believe
that no one in the production company stepped up. I understand that it is a
late night talk show but handling oneself with dignity and honor and respecting
those folks out there that risk their lives needs to be remembered. I am sure
you have seen, heard or read the phrase, "We Shall Not Forget". I
can't forget and am amazed that you managed to not only forget and denigrate in
the process the memories of all the HERO's that sacrificed their lives for
people they never even knew.


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Gees you guys are getting all dramatic over a BS skit!
wtf that is bull shirt to all emergency service providers
It is interesting that Vic, Reg and Lutan, all residing and working in the land down under find nothing offensive about what was televised. Yet, pretty much most USA firefighters have taken offensive to what was produced and shown. I believe that there is a glaring difference between the job security for Australian firefighters compared to USA firefighters.

The battle for available dollars and funding is getting more and more competitive. To not understand that the media is a tool that is used to manipulate public opinion is being naive. And the slow decline of what was a given, that being respect for those who lay their lives on the line. I find it amazing that anyone could feel nothing but outrage, but again, if your country had a federal fire department that regardless, guaranteed your job, and the existence of a fire station, and a budget, then I too would be able to calmly blow it off to just being bad humor.

There is a very strong push to take away pension benefits and minimize the benefits for those in the future. This type of dark humor, again in my opinion, is part of a larger agenda against civil service and governmental agency / public employees.

At least that's my take on it. I welcome input as always and please, someone explain how this can be seen as being acceptable satire...

I understand your point but I find no offense in that dumb skit. A firefighter just happened to be the person they used to show it. On the bright side, at least we're still perceived as an American Hero.
Those who think the show Rescue Me is way off; Well what are you basing that off? How your department runs or operates? How do you really know what it is like or not like? I did ride-alongs in the way past and alot of the stuff the show depicts "happened" while I was there. The storyline for this show started with real life experiences post 9-11 that members of the FDNY had to deal with. Was it all of them? Probably not, but in a department of 15,000 members, I would bet that they have run the gamment of all types of professional and what seem as very unprofessional behavior. If your department had 14, 950 more members don;t you think you would have far less oversight and may have to deal with alot of issues? It's TV, drama sells ratings... nobody will watch a documentary on primetime tv about our daily life but us. That is why all the internet firefighter life shows are on the web, nobody will pick em up. Too boring, not enough glamour, lights and drama. Rescue Me is all drama.

Now as far as Jimmy Kimmel; he isn't funny, and the skit wasn't that funny either, his writer should go back to flipping burgers.

But like John said earilier, Jimmy does it to all types of occupations.... I wonder if the plumbers union gets pissed off everytime they run an asscrack clip?
Well, I have always considered Kimmel a moron. I don't watch his show, and I won't increase his viewing score on youtube.

I also don't think it to be funny should someone try to separate my "boys", with the emphasis on try. I would guess this is another example of why I don't watch much TV except for the local news and weather. When I occasionally do look at some of the programs on TV, it's no wonder society as a whole is flushing itself. It is amazing what people find funny, but then again, I'm sure there there those who find funerals funny.

After all, it is a free country.... for the time being.
I don't take any offense to it because you know, we pretty much get kicked in the nuts regularly on other issues anyway, like in funding and in political support, so what's a late night comedy skit going to do to change it?

I never in a million years thought I'd ever hear myself defend the cops, but here goes: Let's face it, we all think it's funny when we think of Barney (of Mayberry) and his one bullet and I'll bet there's not too many cops out there who think its remotely funny. For that matter, the way the cops are portrayed in the "Cops vs. Firefighters" videos, I'm sure isn't making them laugh very hard either (Like this one, or this one, or this one..._

But we think it's all funny as hell. As far as soldiers who are out there fighting for our freedoms, I'll bet they're in the same boat, about half think it's hilarious and the other half think it's distasteful. I'm in the boat that doesn't take myself too seriously, but I draw the line at making fun of people who honestly can't defend themselves, like special needs individuals. But you know, there are people who think that's funny as hell too.

One man's trash is another one's treasure. I respond by not watching it. It's one less person to add to their ratings. Just as we shouldn't engage the trolls, we shouldn't patronize those who send a message that they don't respect us. But I also think The Onion is funny as hell.
never had heard of this site before, but like many things, it's another twisted source of information, some actually kind of cool. thanks for sharing this one.
Which one? The Onion? It's pretty funny stuff.
jimmy kimmel sucks
theirs a fine line between lov & hate. He just crossed it

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