I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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God Bless the Firefighters of the F.D.N.Y

Sadly, this day is also my birthday.
I try to never look at the bad side of this horrible day although, we all know that is impossible. What I look at is the good: the heroism and the bravery that took place of that fateful day. I will never forget September 11th 2001.
I was 9. I am now about to be 18, and as a tribute to the men and women, the fallen brothers...in all of the emergency services, who gave there life...i am getting my first and only tattoo.

My family lost many friends that day.
We will never forget anyone who gave his or her life.

Marc Hurwitz
yay! Let's trash the ideals our great nation was founded upon to remember those who died defending those ideals!
Thomas A. Barrett you are right, but they should build like a memorial for those who died on 9/11/01 and so not build a Mosque. I say to that heck no! you know for that Mosque.
Marc Hurwitz on your birthday next month, try to think about the good things about those many friends, but don't forget about them. Remember angels will always be watching over everyone including you on your birthday next month.

Be safe.
Mike Schlags we will so never forget our fallen heros on that tragic day. And don't forget about the angels who watch over all of us.
I agree, no mosque, no church, no temple, no synagogue, no religious building of any kind. Tear them all down, get rid of them all, absolutely no religious symbols, services or centers of any kind.
but they should build like a memorial for those who died on 9/11/01

Exactly, who is "they"?

Build a memorial, you mean like the one that is already planned to be a part of the WTC site? Sorry, they are way ahead of you.

I say to that heck no! you know for that Mosque.

Yep, forget the very freedoms this country was founded on right?
I agree with the NO MOSQUE! To me, a mosque at Ground Zero would be a slap in our faces to praise their act and never forget what They did, not remembering those who gave their lives. If they want to build a mosque at Block X away from Ground Zero...fine....but not at Ground Zero, across the street. Is there any way we can get a petition or is there one in place that opposes this?
Ashely, what about if they build it a couple of blocks away? Would that be okay?

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