ok what colors of helmets does your dept use and what do they mean?????? My dept uses White,Red,Black,Yellow,Blue,and Orange. White= Chief Red= Captain Black= Lt Yellow= firefighter Blue= Safty Orange= Rookie

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The standard for us is:
we subscribe to the KISS method (keep it simple stupid) works great at 3 AM
In my Hometown

Red = Engine Company
Black = Rescue Company
yellow = Rural Fire Company
White= Chiefs
Blue= Medic
Diffrent strokes for diffrent folks
White- Chief, Deputy, Asssistants, and Chief Engineer
Red- Assistant Engineers (that we never have any of)
Black- Firefighters
Orange- Safety Officer
My department is

Chief, Assistant Chiefs, and Captains all wear white

Firefighters wear Black helmets

Jr's wear black helmets with Yellow Jr Member Shields.
At my department we use 3 colors white,yellow, and black.
White-Officer(jello heads)
Black- Firefighters
Yellow- Jr's.
Agawam, Massachusetts uses: White with Red shield=Chief / Deputy Chief, we do not have Captains on the department, Red with White shield=Lt, Black with Black shield=Firefighters, and Black with red shield=Probational Firefighters. We also have a call force that is identified with orange tetrahendrons while the career firefighters are yellow. The call forces highest rank is Lt.
White= deputy/batalion/assistant chief
black with black shield=firefighter
black with orange shield= captain/lt
red stripe front to back=probie
we use white for chiefs, red for captains, leutenants, and yellow for firefighters, and blue for saftey. i wish they would just make a standard color all across the board. this would make it easier to keep track of who is who on fire ground.
My Department is located in Illinois about 20 miles west of Chicago, (MABAS Division 2). Our area uses the following standard:
Battalion Chief and above = White helmet.
LT & Capt. = Red helmet.
Firefighter = Black helmet.
We used to use yellow helmets for probies, but switched to black helmets with orange helmet fronts. Stay safe!
County Coordinators/Battalion Chiefs: Orange Helmets
Chief and Assitants: White helmets ( 1 chief still has modern dome style with cresents, 2 chiefs have traditional new yorker's ben2 or 1010 defender) with white shields with company colors (yellow background, blue lettering)
Captain/Lieutenants: Black helmet (all as of now have traditonal NY's either ben2 or 1010's with white shield)
Interior FF: Blue helmets (modern dome) Switching to Black Ben2's with blue shields
Exterior FF: Black Helmet (modern dome) switching to Black ben2's with undecided color shield
Junior FF; yellow Helmet (modern dome) switching to Black Ben2's with undecided color shield
Red- Assistant Chief,Captain,1st LT,2ND LT
Black-Engineer,Fire Police Captain,Fire Fighters
The red helmets have rank written on the plackerd
blue-trainee, black with no shield- fire fighter but no medical training, black with shield- fully certified, white- chief, yellow- leiutenent, orange- captain or sgt

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