This is the fire that you thought you would never make it home because every muscle in your body felt like it had been torn and the heat melted your helmet and you thought you were a new york firefighter because your new gear was now black

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A grain bin fire at an Alfalfa processing plant. We fought it for 2 days total. It was full of alfalfa pellets and as they burned they formed an air pocket in the center of the bin as time went on it used up all the oxygen in that pocket. As we were spraying water in the bin from a lower manhole(we didnt know about the pocket and that it had used up all the air in there) we broke through that pocket and gave it a fresh shot of air, flames blew out that manhole like a torch and sent me and my back up guy diving for cover.
Grass Valley Incident. Over 80 homes burned! bump and run is all I can say! California santa ana winds rage!
Thats what we always called a party fire.

Bc everyone was invited.
3,500 Acres burnt with 40 MPH winds, fire was out running us and the smoke was so thick you could hardly see.
There was an old truck stop that caught one night just up the road. The next town over was kind enough to invite us. This was not a huge building, but over the years it had been remodeled dozens of times. Three roofs on top of each other meant that it was going to be a hot night chasing fire. This is the fire where I cut my teeth in an SCBA, too bad it was the night before the opening day of hunting season. It was a great night and I learned a lot.

Come to think of it, I think that FD still owes us for that one. They owe us some venison as well. :)
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This is the fire that you thought you would never make it home

Biggest fire and a fire you never thought you would make it home can be very different things. One doesn't have to be in a big fire to have heat melt their helmet nor to feel it all over. In fact there have been some smaller fires where I was hurting moreso than sitting outside spraying water in a defensive measure.
Yea i Know bad fires come in small packages some of the worse can be little
dang man that sounds intense lucky you got outta the way with your buddy
Yeah we got out of there but I ended up with him on top of me in a snowbank, when I got up I took my SCBA off and was looking it and my helmet over there was a black scorch mark on my helmet. And Im thinking holy crap that was close.
Whew man i think you should count your blessings and try to play it safe instead of being superman in turnouts and scba lol

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