What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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at my dept. our newest truck is a 1972 i belive as our main pumber and a 1965 as pumper 2 and we have 2 tankers that are older then that but im not sure and 2 old military trucks converted to brush trucks but we had a 1990 chassis donated and we are in the process of puting a 1954 bed on it so ya we dont have anything real new but we have the 2nd largest call volume in the county.
A 1989 Simon Duplex Walk in Rescue truck.
We just retired a 1978 American-LaFrance tillered ladder, 31 years front line service. Now it is a 1992 Central States engine.
We have a 1919 T model its in bay 6.
1946 Ford. It's for our 4th of July and Labor Day parades.
I believe "in service" means you use it for firefighting, not parades, show pieces,etc. No one hase a 1919 rig that they go fight fire with, do they?
1969 Mack pumper
'74 gmc half ton 4X4. which is our brush truck and boat hauler.
when my dad started at our dept he had a model T for a Brush Truck
On my last department it was an 88' Gruman Tower .... and the department I now work for probably something in the late 90's ...
1964 International Harvester brush truck.First brand new rig that was purchased by our Dept.Runs like a top and goes places most othe rigs around here can't go.Sucker is a tank in the woods.Great rig.And it doesn't even have quite 13,000 miles on it yet.

1913 American-LaFrance..Just kidding we still have our '13 and she still runs and looks great. We have a 1989 Chevy Brush/Grass fire truck that is our 2nd out for these types of calls. We also are running a 1991 75' Smeal Quint.

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