Well should I join a department thats closer to me,and that can sign me up for FF1, and that can give me gear that fits and where i can make calls

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Seems to me the answer is right there, in your question.
Well i can run down the street and make a truck no mattter what,considering im only 16 and get my license in 6 months.
Adam your profile is misleading (not a good quality to have) when it states you are a firefighter at 16 years of age. There is a junior/explorer box you can check if that is what your true status is. Good luck in your future.

PS A minor trying to act like an adult in the fire service. I know a few veteran FFs here on FFN that have a serious problem with that let alone the child labor laws.
Well should I join a department thats closer to me,and that can sign me up for FF1, and that can give me gear that fits and where i can make calls

Adam, as Jack said, you've probably answered your own question.

Re-read your question- you haven't given alternative to what you've suggested....
Jack's right - you answered your own question.

You already listed WHY you should do it !!!

It is tough leaving a department because they are family - but if you are in this for the long haul you deserve to be on a department that is stable and can serve you well and facilitate you performing to your best over the long haul.
I agree. What is the other option? If any? Also, as has been said, please change your status to Junior/Explorer, or is the age for becoming a Firefighter different in your area?
Adam, you stated you are 16 years old. I would run far away from a fire department that allows you to "run calls". If they will sign you up for ff1, give you gear that fits and allows you to attend and take part in all training, that is awesome, but running calls at your age? I'm sorry, but there needs to be a limit. Perhaps you are mature and strong and smart enough to run calls, that is not in question, BUT there are many 16 year olds who are not and leaving it open to "anyone" is craziness. I don't think we need another Chris Kangas (rest in peace) to realize it is a poor idea.

Adam joining a Department can be a little confusing....Most Departments have requirements such as you must live in their district, or a certain age, or background specific....In my opinion, if you have the choice..join somewhere in which you feel comfortable....with the location, the people and their policies....It is a huge commitment to become involved and it shouldn't be taken lightly....Do you want to be an asset or just a member of a social club...? (yes, people are there for both) Any Department can get you into Firefighter I.....Gear...? Well, to be honest many probies get whatever is lying around...it is serviceable but well used...they do this because they don't (or can't) want to spend a lot of money on someone they don't know if they will stick around or whatever...So, find someplace close, check it out, talk to members, talk to people in the community...then jump in with both feet, work hard, train hard and I am sure you will be welcomed into the Brotherhood....Good luck, stay safe.........Paul... PS.....as a side note...DON'T ID YOUSELF AS A FIREFIGHTER IF YOU AREN'T ONE......
okay,thanks guys. I fixed my profile. I can go on calls and fight from the exterior. Once i complete FF1 i can fight on the interior, But am Still a junior member until im 18
Wait a second. You're saying that even though you will still be a junior member (explorer/cadet) if you complete FF1 they are gonna let you go interior? Something seems inherently wrong with that statement. Not bashing you by any means Adam, but there is a reason for age requirements. Bend them for one, be prepared to bend for them all.
Most volunteer fire departments are not like social clubs - that must only happen in your area of the country - most everywhere else they work hard, even when they are tight on money and can't afford a lot of trucks - they still come and do the best they can with what they have.
Sorry to inform you BUT that's NOT what "most volunteer" units are like....we make it perfectly clear that it is NOT a social club...you either go to training and make calls or you get out....we don't need socialites in our Department...Every member of our Department is required to get at least Firefighter I certification in their year of probation...if they don't they are not accepted as full members of the department and may have probie status extended if the board sees it fit to do so or they are told thanks but no thanks.....and shown the door.....its realyy that simple...either you want to be here or you don't.....

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