I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Jack, now you apparently can't tell the difference when you put words in my mouth and when I ask you a question. So now you suddenly can't read???

I suppose that the Confederate flags that fly over the Gettysburg battlefield show that those "southerners" and "white Christians" in Pennsylvania are racists, too.

Now pardon me while I fall down laughing my a** off about how completely silly you've gotten over this.
I don't think those BASTARDS should be there on 9/11. They where the ones who caused our brothers to fall. It makes me angry that our piece of $^&* president is going to be there. I have been a volunteer firefighter for 11 years and never seen a mistake as the mosque. People don't realize the hell we go through to save life and property and make this country safe. To all of our brothers and sisters in Fire. God Bless and be safe.

My guess is that if Jack had actually paid attention to the fact that I've repeatedly said that the Muslims have the right to build on the property they own, then he wouldn't be so worked up.
Seriously, do you people all live in the same independent living facility?

Which bastards are you talking about? It's kind of difficult to tell but it almost seems as though you're suggesting that all muslims are the bastards. Is that what you mean?

And you're angry that the president of the U.S. is going to be there. Where are we talking sport? And if you need to use wingbats to describe OUR president, AND you're angry AT him, let's hope the SECRET SERVICE doesn't get wind of your comment.

So in all your 11 years as a volunteer firefighter you "...never seen a mistake as the mosque..."? Are the designs wrong? Did they get the scale wrong? What did you see that is a mistake?

Which god is that, muslim, jewish, christian, hindu?
I don't think those BASTARDS should be there on 9/11. They where the ones who caused our brothers to fall. It makes me angry that our piece of $^&* president is going to be there. I have been a volunteer firefighter for 11 years and never seen a mistake as the mosque. People don't realize the hell we go through to save life and property and make this country safe. To all of our brothers and sisters in Fire. God Bless and be safe.

So if I'm reading this right James, the Muslims who own the building already and are Americans who fall under the same freedoms as you and me, are now the ones who organized the attacks on 9/11. Well hot damn, let's just go in there and arrst them all then and declare the war on terror over, yay, you solved the terror problem.

I haven't been a volunteer FF for 11 years, but I have been a FF for over 13 and 5 years as a member of the military. I realize the hell I've been through to make the country safe and my hell doesn't nearly compare to some other's hell, ut will say that the Constitution I spent time defending guarantees freedoms for ALL Americans. Maybe it is I just never forgot that part.
I suppose that the Confederate flags that fly over the Gettysburg battlefield show that those "southerners" and "white Christians" in Pennsylvania are racists, too.

I do beleive there is a difference with a national battlefield and a state capitol building. With the battlefield the flag represents those soldiers who fell defending their beliefs or for their cause. What does the flag represent atop the state capitol building?
No, John, it is you who are hypocritical when you complain about Fox News while channeling Keith Olberman.

See what I mean? Hypocrisy in action.
what the hell are you talking about? I'm saying three things:

1) The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of religion. Love it or hate it, the law allows construction of Cordoba House

2) The guy who wants to build it is the opposite of bin Laden: he's Sufi, American, and has maintained his Moslem identity whilst living in the west

3) The anti-Moslem rhetoric and hate is (yet again) playing right into the hands of al Queda. This entire episode of right wing poutrage is hurting our interests and empowering the bad guys.
Thanks for agreeing with me. I appreciate it.

You opened the door with the Fox News non sequitur, remember.

If it's fair for you to use a news outlet in an attempt at labeling and demonization like that, then it's fair if someone else follows suit.
Jack, wrong again. At least you're consistent.

I simply asked a question because surely Vic wasn't inferring that it's OK for jihadists that happen to be Muslim to plan violence against Americans simply because we practice our freedom of speech...was he?

Do you really expect that anyone is going to miss that you altered my question to look like a statement? Do you really think that is credible or that it makes your attacks credible?

Now please explain how a question can be a "claim". That is neither logical nor possible.
I asked a question, Jack, plain and simple. There was no "claim". Your accusation that there was is bogus.

And Jack, my name is Ben.
Actually Vic, what you said could be interpreted that you thought it was OK for the jihadists to plan violent attacks against Americans simply because some Americans have exercised their rights to freedom of speech.

I asked the question because it wasn't clear whether you were inferring that or not. As for your bullet points:

1) I've consistently said that the Muslims can construct a mosque, community center, or whatever they wish to call it on their property, so this point is non-sequitur-ish.

2) Since I have never said anything different, this one is also non-sequitur-ish.

3) Vic, the bad guys aren't "empowered" by anything we say. Their stated aim is to impose their particular brand of Islam as far and as widely as they can, and to kill as many Americans as they can. The only thing we're doing to "play into their hands" is to have a pulse and respirations while living in the United States.

What is hurting our interests is the liberal poutrage that makes us look weak while simultaneously complaining about people who exercise their 1st Amendment rights in ways that liberals don't like.
"The difference is America sets the tone for the entire western world..."

That's a little elitist, don't you think?

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