I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Brandon ottschalk,

I will do so and I like your comment.
John Crabbe,

Good comment and I thank you for what you did in the military service.
Tyler James,

I just think that they should put a wall over there for the thousands of people who died on that day so that those left behind can leave flowers or what not.
You are so full of sh*t it's become funny once again.
I quote mccain out of irony, YOU are aware of that but choose instead to state that he's my hero. Man you really are full of yourself (and it).


–noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

You are wrong, hyperbole does NOT lead to an obvous conclusion, it's exaggeration. sheesh ya'll got diksunarys down thar?

Also after calling Vic's statement 'a little elitist' I notice you chose not to address mccain's very similar statement. I can't even take you seriously anymore, you so funny!
Chief, talk to your doctor about cutting back on your meds, crap sake you're practically hallucinating here hoss.
Flying the stars and bars and proud of it.
Question mark is not the only thing I can recognize...
Save your electrons, it's just his way of having you on. He'll answer one question here, another there, and usually with no regard to the question itself. It's a game he likes to play.
"Flying the stars and bars and proud of it."

Who are you talking about, Jack? If you're talking about yourself, I'm quite surprised. If that statement was about me, it is a lie.
Jack, are you completely illiterate?

"Also after calling Vic's statement 'a little elitist' I notice you chose not to address mccain's very similar statement. I can't even take you seriously anymore, you so funny!"

And I responded..."What is says about McCain is that he was making a political speech, which are typically filled with hyperbole, which leads to an obvious conclusion."

So, your accusation hat I didn't respond is bogus. At least you're consistent.
what's an accusation hat?
wow you really are paranoid (or taken with your own importance). You said, "There are many more examples of the Confederate flag in Gettysburg than the single one flying on the war memorial in Columbia, SC,"
My comment was a generalization, I'm fn surprised you didn't trip over it.
How do you see my comment pertaining to you? Unless you have one flying somewhere at home.

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