I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Lutan1, good comment and your righ.
Who are you talking too, Jack?

Me, because I happen to live in South Carolina?
If so, there you go with another bogus generalization. I didn't put the Confederate flag on the state capitol building, I didn't move it from there to the Civil War monument, and I don't have the power to remove it.

In other words, I have zero to do with it including whether or not it is sensitive to one group and insensitive to another group.

Or, were you just slinging some mud hoping that some of it would stick somewhere?
No, John, it is you who are hypocritical when you complain about Fox News while channeling Keith Olberman.

And if you'll notice, I didn't label myself at all. I just pointed out what you did - used an ad hominem attack - the latest in a long line of logical fallacies used by you and folks who agree with you in this debate.

Observation of someone else doesn't equal self-labeling, just like asking for cultural sensitivity doesn't equal blaming an entire culture for a sneak attack carried out by a few members of that culture.

Apparently you are REALLY confused, because you don't seem to be able to tell the difference when there clearly differences in both cases.

Got discernment?
Context, Luke.

The U.S. military base is on an island that the U.S. took in order to win a war they didn't start. That's a much different proposition from either the Pearl Harbor attack or the 9/11 attack. The U.S. military has owned that base since they took Okinawa during a declared war.

Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were sneak attacks that did not occur during a declared war.

Sensitivity - the people who don't like the U.S. military base on Okinawa should be sensitive to the memory of the Americans that died to take it away from the country that attacked the U.S. on 12/7/41, not the other way around.

So Luke, sensitivity DOES apply to the military base, just in the reverse fashion of what you are apparently questioning.
John, your reply is a strong support for my statement that you included in your post...without attribution, BTW.

Thanks for making your continued spin so clear.
Vic, that still doesn't equal "insult" to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

By your own admission, the Australians had a tiny population compared to Japan's. That means that they didn't have enough population to resist the Japanese on their own, so we helped them, as did the British, Dutch, French...

Vic, the dick move is claiming that simply pointing out historical fact is an insult, when it isn't.

It is a sign of desperation that you'd stoop to something so glaringly in error as part of your spin doctoring, though.
I'm still waiting, Jack. Cat Cricket got your tongue?

My guess is that Jack would answer No to your question. ("...is it sensitive...?"). However, he would probably contend that the 1st amendment rights of muslims to build their mosque at a place of their choosing trumps the sensitivity issue. I would agree with that. But I believe that the sensitivity issue, even though trumped, should be enough in this particular case that the muslims would choose another site.
To follow up on my previous posts, the WSJ had a story today about how America's anti-Moslem rhetoric is playing around the world:


I've included a highlight:

Islamic radicals are seizing on protests against a planned Islamic community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero and anti-Muslim rhetoric elsewhere as a propaganda opportunity and are stepping up anti-U.S. chatter and threats on their websites.

One jihadist site vowed to conduct suicide bombings in Florida to avenge a threatened Koran burning, while others predicted an increase in terrorist recruits as a result of such actions. [...]

A U.S. official on Sunday said the administration was taking the upswing in anti-U.S. chatter seriously. "Terrorists like al-Qaeda and its violent allies are motivated already to try to attack the United States, but when it comes to propaganda, extremists are pure opportunists. They'll use whatever they can," the official said.

I'm sure this is somehow Obama's fault.
And we see how well that worked out for jihadist groups the last few times they tried violence in retaliation for Americans exercising their freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion.

Are you now arguing that all Muslims are terrorists, Vic? Your post could certainly be interpreted that way. If so, why the sudden switch?
That you happen to live there was coincidental. In 2000 removing the crap flag caused quite a furor down there. It shows up readily on a search for confederate flag. I was looking for a comparable issue in sensitivity.

Now you're putting words into my mouth when you start to disingenuously deny having anything to do with the confederate flag. As if I had accused you of having that influence.

You didn't cause the attack on 9/11, you didn't decide to build a 'mosque' near the site and you don't have to the power to prevent the building from going up.

In other words you had nothing to do with it including whether or not it is sensitive to one group or insensitive to another group.

Yet we all hear you loud and clear on the NYC issue and how insensitive it would be on the part of those 'muslims' to build near white christians ground zero.

You offhandedly dismiss the issue of the relationship between racism and the confederate flag in your state (which I only brought up because I thought it was an appropriate and comparable sensitivity issue more closely related to that in NYC) and you "have zero to do with it". Way to stand up for all those "sensitive" issues.

So insensitivity in NYC by the imam is enough to get you vocal but the confederate flag...not so much.

No worries, Chief. I see exactly where you're coming from now.

P.s. Can you show me where I was slinging mud? Or were you just making an ad hominem attack, making a demonstrably false argument, using a logical fallacy or just another straw man argument on your part? Oh, oh, oh...wait, non-sequitur?

Sheesh, you southerners slay me.
I'm confused, where did Vic say, suggest or infer "that all Muslims are terrorists."? In fact the only person to have suggested that was you.

If you note, there isn't a single item that could "be interpreted that way." In the quoted articles were "islamic radicals", "jihadist site", "al-qaeda and its violent allies". Not a single inference (other than your own) that "...all Muslims are terrorists..."

Classic example of your preferred method of attack: claim that the other person said something incorrect or blatantly wrong and try and force them to spend their next rebuttal denying and defending what they had already said. Meanwhile you prance on to the next ad hominem attack.

Way to go...again, Chief.

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