I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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Still waiting on an answer, Jack...


Thanks for the repitition of the MSNBC talking points.
They are completely inaccurate, of course.

Insensitivity is indeed an issue with the Ground Zero mosque.

Funny...when liberals or anti-Christians demand sensitivity, it's a huge issue, but when conservatives or Christians ask for the same sensitivity, suddenly some imaginary secret plot is involved.

That's a huge double standard.
Jack, you have stooped to a new low by accusing me of lying.

Reply by Ben Waller on December 21, 2009 at 9:15pm
"Jack, Firefighter Hourly is now reporting that the creche was actually NOT on public property. According to the FH update, the creche was on a neighbor's property, and the neighbor had agreed to let the station put the creche on his property. The city still ordered that it be taken down."

And here is YOUR reply, Jack!

Reply by Jack/dt on December 21, 2009 at 11:04pm
"The city still ordered it down because it was inconsiderate of other religions." And people talk about the eastern liberal elite? How about the mid-atlantic dumbass? This was the local government that ordered it down. I am more than curious how and why that was accomplished. There may yet be more to this story. But as the facts stand, unless there are some (unknown) zoning issues at work here the town is going to find themselves being sued for stifling freedom of speech and religion and I would be fully behind that lawsuit.

With private property involved, this puts this particular Christmas decoration issue in a very different light."

Lucy, you have some 'splainin' to do. You attacked the display when it was on private property and it had been widely reported that it was. I pointed it out to you and linked to the Firefighter Hourly report. Then, and only then did you change your tune.

If you didn't know that the display was on private property prior to me pointing it out, it wasn't due to the lack of opportunity on your part...Kind of like your accusations about how I supposedly take my cues in sensitivity from Senator McCain.

As for your closing statement above, since you've used things that you just flatly made up in the Ground Zero mosque depate here to dismiss anything I have to say, that
....to explain why everyone ranging from firefighters to construction workers are against a muslim mosque being built near Ground Zero. And these people who are against it are true Americans.

So by your thinking Tyler....

If you look at this thread, Tyler, you will notice that a lot of firefighters are in favour of letting Cordoba House (or any other building that meets the local codes) be built.

BTW - get online and read the NY papers about the Orthodox Church. This is more a dispute between the church and the Port Authority than anything else. Do you really want the Federal government stepping into this? Heck, I'll bite...what do you think is a fair value for the Port Authority to pay the Church for running trains under their building?
Wow Ben, way to insult one of the few countries that still consistently sides with us. Americans wonder why the world thinks we're a bunch of arrogant jerks.

How was that an insult. Is it now your contention that it is insulting to simply repeat historical facts?

Is it now your contention that it is arrogant to simply repeat historical facts?

Because, Vic, it looks exactly like that's what you are saying.
John, that's been answered elsewhere, but just in case, did I miss a historical account of an American sneak attack on Okinawa during WW II?
It guarantees the same freedoms, the constitution was set by a group of men, it in no way was supported by every single American and backed

Too bad if the constitution doesn't fit someone's personal agenda, it is the principles THIS country was founded on and does encompass ALL Americans.

But there are patriotic Americans who don't give a damn frankly about other outsiders and other religions

Gee, really? There are also many Americans too full of their own ignorance and emotions to see beyond that and forget about those freedoms guaranteed. These are NOT patriotic Americans, these are folks just too consumed with their own lives and their own thoughts to concern themselves about the freedoms involved. These are people who will only agree with those who have the same mindset. Whereas a true patriot is one who sees beyond ignorance and emotion and will defend the freedoms of all Americans, irregardless if the agree on the principles involved.

why should a symbol of terrorism be allowed to be built/added that is 600 feet away from ground zero and where the World Trade Center once stood

Others have already commented on this stupid quote....you do have much to learn.

A lot of Americans are thinking your President cares more about other countries and foreign relationships then his own people.

Yes, and many blindly follow the viewpoints as presented on such outlets like Fox News. This is an opinion and they are entitled to it. Just like it can be one's opinion to not care for a mosque being built by the WTC site, difference is the freedoms guaranteed trumps those opinions. It is when those opinions cloud judgement because of ignorance, arrogance, or both.
Yes, John, you are taking it very far out of context.

There's a big difference between asking that Muslims to be culturally sensitive and in blaming all of them for the 9/11 attacks that were very clearly carried out by a few Muslims.

If you can't tell the difference, that explains a lot about this debate. It seems a lot of people are bound and determined to put their spin on anything that is said by anyone who thinks that the Ground Zero mosque isn't a good idea. Apparently, you're in that group.
There's a big difference between asking that Muslims to be culturally sensitive
But that doesn't apply to US Military base? I'm lost as to why....

There you go generalizing again when you're attacking Christians.

Are you saying that all Christians are insensitive when it comes to gays, same-sex marriage, abortions, etc?

That's apparently exactly what you did after spending two days castigating me for supposedly doing the same thing about Muslims.

That's pretty hypocritical, Jack.

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