I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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What you meant to say and what you did say were two different things then. You asked where you ever said all Muslims were terrorists and stated you never did. Problem is with that remark you did in fact lump all Muslims together. I'm not taking it out of context, they're your words.
Tyler, this is an adult conversation and a firefighter conversation. Why don't you go over to the explorer corner...they have coloring books.
Freedom of religion is in the United States Constitution BUT sometimes the Constitution is wrong and I believe strongly that no mosque nor place of worship should go up at ground zero

Tyler, being from Australia, how familiar are you really with the US Constitution? The thing is the constitution is NOT wrong....it guarantees the same freedoms for ALL Americans. The problem is that many Americans and so called patriots can't accept that concept.
by your own admission you're 17 and not in any fire service. you're actually pretending to be a firefighter. very not cool.
John, you think Ben was blockheaded, try this little joey.
So if the catholic church which stood there for something like 100 years isn't rebuilt, why should a symbol of terrorism be allowed to be built/added that is 600 feet away from ground zero and where the World Trade Center once stood?
A symbol of terrorism? You're kidding me right? A mosque is NOT a symbol of terrorism....

Actually it was a greek orthodox catholic church. There are plans to rebuild it but the Port Authority has to trade land with the church which hasn't been done yet. That and apparently the money is coming from the rebuilding efforts (as opposed to the parish paying for it). It's considered a low profile item at this point. Other than an emotional ratcheting up, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the cordoba building.
It's not what you were implying? You wrote it!

I see a mosque as a place of worship, just like a Greek Orthodox Catholic church.

On the other hand, I see vests packed with explosives as a symbol of terrorism.

There's a big difference between the two...
Reply by Tyler James
"So if the catholic church which stood there for something like 100 years isn't rebuilt, why should a symbol of terrorism be allowed to be built/added that is 600 feet away from ground zero and where the World Trade Center once stood?"

It's not a question of implying anything, the discussion has been about building the cordoba building/mosque and IN THE CONTEXT OF HIS STATEMENT, he clearly assigns the cordoba building/mosque into the category of a "...symbol of terrorism..." Imagine that, a child that thinks he knows it all has just singlehandedly, unilaterally, decreed that islam is terrorism.
Easy you two, we cannot fight a war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Australia. Be nice or go to your rooms.
I've already explained it. The side that conducted the sneak attack gives up their claim on sensitivity when they kill a few thousand of the other side.

That's pretty insensitive, don't you think?

In fact, it's insensitive of the Japanese to complain about the name of a U.S. military base that, in part, is designed to watch Japan so that the 12/7/41 history doesn't repeat itself.

Interestingly, the U.S. was so sensitive on behalf of Australia that it conducted the island-hopping campaign to defeat Japan. That's why you get to conduct your half of this conversation in English instead of in Japanese, Luke.

What??? Now you're generalizing to all Christians due to something published by one group? Coming from the one who has spent all weekend defending all Muslims as not being part of the 9/11 attacks???

Thanks for demonstrating your double standard so convincingly.

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